Watch the 2018 ANU Indonesia Update

POLITICAL UPDATE. Jokowi’s consolidation and democracy’s decline

Presenter: Thomas Power (ANU), Discussant: Jacqui Baker (Murdoch University), Chair: Julie Heckscher (DFAT).

Download slides by Thomas Power. You can hear Tom Power talk to Usman Hamid and Liam Gammon about the “authoritarian turn” thesis in New Mandala’s Indonesia podcast, audiopelago.


Presenters: Ross McLeod (ANU), Sitta Rosdaniah (Ministry for State-owned Enterprises, Republic of Indonesia), Discussant: Susan Olivia (The University of Waikato), Chair: Sarah Dong (ANU)

Download slides by Ross McLeod and Sitta RosdaniahSusan Olivia.

Session 1. Keynote address. Ambiguous advantage: minority status in Indonesian history/Session 2. Legal and constitutional perspectives

Session 1. Presenters: Robert Cribb (ANU). Chair: Ronit Ricci (ANU and Hebrew University of Jerusalem).

Session 2. Presenters: Tim Lindsey (The University of Melbourne), Simon Butt (The University of Sydney). Chair: Stephen Fitzpatrick (News Ltd). Download slides by Tim LindseySimon Butt.

Session 3. Disability

Presenters: Dina Afrianty (La Trobe University), Thushara Dibley (The University of Sydney), Antoni Tsaputra (The University of New South Wales). Chair: Cate Rogers (DFAT).

Download slides by Dina AfriantyThushara Dibley and Antoni Tsaputra.

Session 4. Sexual minorities

Presenters: Saskia Weiringa (Universiteit van Amsterdam), Hendri Yulius (The University of Sydney). Chair: Sharon Bessell (ANU).

Download slides by Saskia WeiringaHendri Yulius.


Session 5. Religious minorities

Presenters: Marcus Mietzner (ANU), Burhanuddin Muhtadi (ANU and Indikator Politik Indonesia), Ihsan Ali-Fauzi (Pusad Paramadina), Sandra Hamid (The Asia Foundation). Chair: George Quinn (ANU).

Download slides by Marcus Mietzner and Burhanuddin MuhtadiIhsan Ali-FauziSandra Hamid.

Session 6. Ethnicity/Session 7. Closing reflections. The political manipulation of minority status

Session 6. Presenters: Charlotte Setijadi (Singapore Management University), Maria Myutel (ANU), Saur Marlina (Butet) Manurung (Sokola Institut). Chair: Jewel Topsfield (Fairfax Media).

Session 7. Presenter: Sidney Jones (IPAC). Chair: Greg Fealy (ANU).

Download slides by Charlotte SetijadiMaria MyutelSaur ManurungSidney Jones.

Indonesia at New Mandala

Jokowi’s authoritarian turn

Once hailed as the saviour of the democratic status quo, Indonesia’s president is now busily degrading democratic norms.

‘Religion’ and ‘belief’ in Indonesia: what’s the difference?

In insisting that “animist” faiths be given a lower status than “religion”, Islamic leaders ignore how the false divide between them was constructed in the first place.

Behind Indonesia’s illiberal turn

Oligarchs have weaponised identity politics in their struggles over power and resources. That means it's not going away any time soon.