When this correspondent stepped off the plane in the mid-1990s to begin a reporting life in Asia, the Far Eastern Economic Review was the most successful regional current-affairs magazine in the world. In Asia it was revered for the calibre of its reporters, for its analysis of politics and business and, especially, for getting up the noses of autocrats and tycoons. For businessmen, policymakers, analysts and journalists, it was Asia’s must-read. And, wonder of wonders, it made money.
– Extracted from: Banyan, “Without FEER or favour”, The Economist, 24 September 2009.
Sometimes I am a bit slow on the uptake but this month-old Economist article was pointed out to me by a journalist working in Southeast Asia. He suggested that the end of the Far Eastern Economic Review may have wider implications because, as any reading of scholarly books and articles shows, it was often very useful for academics too. Many scholars relied on its coverage as the basis of their secondary surveys.
Reflections on the FEER, and the academic implications of its demise, are very welcome here.