The National Library of Australia is currently acquiring copies of the Burma Law Reports (BLR) and Myanmar Law Reports (MLR) from 1948 to the present. The BLR running to 1962 contain Supreme Court and High Court rulings. From 1962 to 1973 they variously contain Chief Court rulings, Court-Martial Appeal Court rulings and Special Criminal Courts’ Appeal Court rulings. From 1974 to 1988 they contain Central Court rulings, and after that time, Supreme Court rulings. The reports are written in either English or Burmese up to 1962, then increasingly in Burmese. From 1970 onwards they are exclusively in Burmese.

The reports are a valuable new addition to the library’s Asian collection and are hoped to be of use not only to researchers concerned with the law of Burma/Myanmar but also with its politics, government and modern history, as well as with those of other countries sharing Common Law traditions.

[This post is provided by the National Library of Australia as part of our Book Zone feature. For further information on the featured publications contact Saowapha Viravong at]