Gallery exhibition

Prihatmoko Moki
ID Politics #14 2020 (work in progress)
silkscreen Prints
59.4 x 42 cm
31 October – 12 December 2020
16albermarle Project Space
16 Albermarle St Newtown NSW 2042
Pasar Seni (Indonesian Art Market)
31 October – 12 December 2020
The contemporary art included Indonesia calling 2020 is made in response to the pandemic’s impact on each artist’s practice, community and the country as a whole. Indonesia is among the 30 countries most affected by the pandemic, with the World Health Organisation confirming 257,388 cases as of Friday 25 September 2020. By presenting a picture of life on the ground in Indonesia, the exhibition aims to raise awareness in Australia and to encourage aid initiatives in any form. All proceeds from art sales will go back to the artists and their communities.

Sekar Puti Brewing self 2020 34 pcs ceramic, wire 120 x 180 x 2 cm
The title Indonesia calling 2020 echoes the title of an Australian documentary directed by Joris Ivens in 1946. The film describes a great effort by both Australians and Indonesians to refuse the service of Dutch ships containing arms and ammunition destined for Indonesia to suppress the country’s independence movement. Inspired by a similar camaraderie, Indonesia calling 2020 is our way to lend a helping hand to the Indonesian people. It hopes to parallel historic efforts where small groups of concerned Australians were able to activate within their sphere of influence to contribute to larger efforts to support the Indonesian people.

Arwin Hidayat Jopa Japu Bergas Waras #1 2020, acrylic on paper, 100 x 70 cm
Presented by the Australia Indonesia Art Forum, Indonesia calling 2020 is a partnership between 16albermarle Project Space, Project Eleven and Indo Art Link—three entities which have been invested for several years in building a connection between the arts and artists in Indonesia and Australia. The exhibition aims to strengthen links within their networks while supporting artists, who in turn support their communities within the close-knit Indonesian art scene.

Anang Saptoto
Customers 4.0 (No. 9) 2020
photography print on photo paper
65 x 50 cm
The project comprises both a curated gallery exhibition including 30 leading artists at 16albermarle Project Space, and an online presentation, Pasar Seni, working with Indonesian art collectives.
The gallery exhibition Indonesia calling 2020 is a by-invitation exhibition in which some of Indonesia’s leading artists have made new work responding to the current situation facing artists and the general population. It will be modelled on group fundraising exhibitions often held in Indonesian collectives, with many artists presenting new work.

Sarita Ibnoe
Not home 2020
woven cotton on an old painting on canvas
50 x 50 cm
Participating artists include Agung Prabowo, Anang Saptoto, Argya Dhyaksa, Arwin Hidayat, Citra Sasmita, Deka Dermawan, Dias Prabu, Enka Komariah, Erika Ernawan, Fika Ria Santika, Fitriani Dwi Kurniasih (Fitri), Ignatius Yosef Wendy Tri Setyoko (Wenski), Ipehnur Beresyit, Maharani Mancanagara, Maria Indriasari, Meicy Sitorus, Mohamad Yusuf (Ucup), Mohammad Taufiq (emte), Prihatmoko Moki, Restu Ratnaningtyas, Restu Taufik, Robet Olga, Ruth Marbun, Sarita Ibnoe, Sekarputri Sidhiawati (Puti), Surya Wirawan, Theresia Agustina Sitompul and Yaya Sung.

Mohammad Taufiq (emte)
Untitled 2020
watercolour on paper
40 x 40 cm
For the Pasar Seni Indonesian art collectives will be invited to present a selection of work by artists in their community via an online presentation in pdf format. The artworks will be available to purchase direct from the artists in Indonesia, with assistance from exhibition organisers where required. As many of these collectives are now actively supporting their local neighbourhoods, through community kitchens and other services, this is an opportunity to extend their networks and to assist them in their efforts to sustain these services long term.
Invited collectives include AceHouse Collective, Futuwonder, Grafis Huru Hara, Grafis Minggiran, Needle N’Bitch, Omnispace, Ruang Mes56, Studio Tempa, SURVIVE!Garage, Taring Padi and others.