
  1. Chris Beale says:

    If it’s a “sore point”, it’s a very minor one. Apart from over- reactions, such as that Perth military incident, Papua is a non-issue for Australia. Papua is NOT East Timor – which was a very special, unique case. Nearly HALF of Papua!s population now are Transmigrasi immigrants. What would an “independent” Papua
    do with them ? Massive ethnic cleansing? The Papuan independence movement is a sick, silly joke – hopelessly seeking to unite vastly different, dispersed tribes into a woe-begone “nationalist” movement.

  2. Chris Beale says:

    In what way is Christine’s article “Orientalist” ? Please define what you mean by that term. Under current definitions, it seems she is NOT.

  3. wjameszzz says:

    This is pure orientalist garbage.

  4. tuck says:

    Thaksin S extrajudicial rampage during his murderous war on drugs during his rule had inspired the Philippine President Duterte, no doubt about that.

    Before long . . . from cities of the dead to the Philippines of the dead!

    See those pictures of Santo Nino Nick Nostitz? You’re a journalist and a professional photographer – were you ‘shaken’ by those CNN photos Nostitz?

  5. You do have no clue at all about the ongoing censorship upon Papua by the Indonesia state. Immigration offenses were regularly used to forbid foreign journalists to travel to Papua. Recent J-visaof Jack Hewson was revoked simply because he had plan to go to Papua to do cover story about Freeport.

    Mind yourself and please do read the hyperlinks on the article. It will lead you to different reliable sources that will confirmed my argument.

  6. Falang says:

    Sam Rainsy sentenced to 20 months for defamation

    The verdict handed down by the Phnom Penh Municipal Court, in absentia, also included a fine of 10 million riel (90,000 baht) and 100 riel in compensation on the former leader of the main opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party, who has been in self-imposed exile abroad since November 2015.

  7. tuck says:

    Trump is a dirty old man who would sexually assault anyone wearing a skirt. Why would a Muslim fashion show of modesty ‘engage’ the US-of-A Groper-in-Chief who thinks not outside of, but literally grabbing ‘boxes’.

  8. Harrison Rule says:

    RMIT are lucky to have you James! A remarkable journalist, but an absolutely incomparable teacher. You always manged to make writing a challenging and rewarding task and I am absolutely in your debt. Thank you!

  9. Catia Rizio says:

    Thank you for being an amazing teacher and mentor to me during your time at the ANU. Your efforts have helped inspire myself and many other students. I wish you all the best at RMIT!

  10. berty says:

    as Democratic Country, Indonesia has regulation to give permission for journalist who will coverage news in all provinces from sabang to Merauke. Interms of deportation recently two French Journalist from Papua, according to the Head of Public Relations of the Directorate General of Immigration, Sampurno said to the BBC that not related with limitation of journalist but the deportation is purely for immigration offenses.

  11. Mark Rowe says:

    Thanks for everything James! Good luck for what will no doubt be an exciting future.

  12. Mitiana Arbon says:

    Good luck James in your new work in Melbourne! You have been such an inspiration over the last year, helping hone my writing skills and mentoring a new generation of media students! Thank you for awakening me to new forms of engagement for my ideas and passions.

  13. Thank you for your mentorship of myself and of past Student Editorial Boards at The Monsoon Project. Your efforts have helped cultivate student’s earnest writing skills and approaches to media in our digital world. I’m certain that further achievements will come your way as you begin a new chapter of your life in Melbourne. I’ll be sure to see you when I go back 🙂

  14. Aditi Razdan says:

    Thank you so much for your dedication to journalism and critical thought. I learnt more from you in just a few weeks than I have from whole semesters in other courses. You unlocked a journalistic passion in me and I am sad to see you leave!! Good luck James.

  15. Mish Khan, Associate Editor says:

    Thank you for all your work James! You were not only a fantastic supervisor for me at New Mandala, but a warm, funny and fantastic friend. I know how much love and energy you poured into not only your role at New Mandala, but across all your work at the ANU. You are well loved by staff and students alike and have been a strong and powerful influence upon many young, keen minds at the university. RMIT is incredibly lucky to have you and I hope you continue to achieve great things in hipster Melbourne!

  16. Falang says:

    Rohingya militants call for international peacekeeping troops
    29 March 2017

    A nascent Rohingya militant group whose raids triggered a bloody crackdown by Burma’s army called Wednesday for international peacekeepers to protect the stateless Muslim minority.

    Attacks on police border posts in northern Arakan State in October claimed by the group, which now calls itself the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ASRA), sparked a crackdown by security forces that sent tens of thousands fleeing to Bangladesh.

    In a statement widely shared by Rohingya activists outside of Burma, the outfit said it had acted to “defend, salvage and protect [the] Rohingya community in Arakan.”

    “We have the legitimate right under international law to defend ourselves in line with the principle of self-defence,” it said.

  17. Falang says:

    towards ???

    already is and has been for a long time .

  18. John Lowrie says:

    The actual election facts since 1993 do not support your contention. CPP has never won the popular in national elections but has gained from a usually divided opposition. Left to their own devices, Cambodian voters, especially younger ones would reject Hun Sen and he knows that.

  19. Paul Chambers says:

    Many thanks, Thomas, for this tribute to Danny. Like you, I am so shocked by his sudden passing. To all of us who were his students, he was mentor, friend, and always showed that he deeply cared for us. Danny shined a light on all of us and he will be greatly missed.

  20. At the same day when this piece was published, freelance writer of Al-Jazeera, Jack Hewson has been blacklisted by the Indonesian immigration for unspecific reasons.