
  1. Morgan says:

    Your real opinion of Thais is wonderfully expressed in your own post:

    “how come so many Thais are so adept at scamming so many…”

    Sometimes you can’t believe what people write when slagging off the legitimate opinions of others, which they don’t choose to share. But I do not try to insult you just because I don’t happen to share your opinions Chris, it’s an education thing. Many people, when deciding to accept evidence of low IQ – and other characteristics, compare the IQ with themselves – this is human nature and it’s a useful mechanism for ensuring that, in general, birds of a feather flock together, an evolutionary advantage.

    Still, your comment was very revealing of what you really believe, and by extension, what your actual experience of Thais has been, I’m just sorry it had to be so painful a learning experience for you.

  2. neptunian says:

    So, Morgan, what is your IQ? Or your EQ? Checking the Mensa registry.. your full name?

  3. Morgan says:

    Thaksin saying what Thaksin believes his audience would like to hear. Thaksin was (and probably still is) a very dishonest man, but let’s be honest, Thailand is a very dishonest country by western standards – or they’re not very skilled at hiding it, that could be true.

  4. tuck says:

    Furthermore it is now getting evident to many people (not only Americans) that the US courts are a reasonable route to challenge Trump’s policies with respect to immigration, trade and all other issues that goes against the core of their constitutional rights.

    For instance this Trump constitutional transgression: “Federal judge to Trump: There is no constitutional protection for speech that incites violence

  5. Chris Beale says:

    Morgan – if so many Thais have such “sub-average IQs” – how come so many Thais are so adept at scamming so many of your IQ-superior farang ?

  6. wjameszzz says:

    “Cringeworthily politically correct” is a dog whistle for a racist and you are. Obviously you aren’t going to be taken seriously. Hope this helps.

  7. Morgan says:

    Allow me to correct you on a couple of minor points Michael: Firstly, I am not a man, I am the other thing. Secondly, my name is not Morgan Le-Fey, it is Morgan, though I understand why you erred. I’m not actually sure who Le-Fey is.

    If I were of the politically correct persuasion, I would probably have to wax all euphemistic and semi-intelligent and say ‘you were nearly right (duh!)’.

    Since I am not a PC person though,life is altogether simpler, so I can just say you are wrong. On both counts.

  8. Mark Dunn says:

    “I would like to serve the nation, religion, and the monarchy, which I revere and worship, until my life ends, wherever I am on this Earth,”

    Thaksin Shinawatra’s lastest statment on the monarchy.

  9. Moe Aung says:
  10. Morgan says:

    Now, now, Michael, if you can’t be pleasant, then it’s better to be silent.

    It’s a feature of political correctness nowadays, to exploit the natural tendency among most people to want to be liked. Personally I don’t care either way, but most people do, and the politically correct brigade is able to bully people using this simple principle – and if they don’t share the very bigoted and not very bright ideas that underlay political correctness, they try to make vulnerable people toe the line by abusing them and causing them to feel they aren’t liked.

    It’s a primitive strategy, the result of a a primitive response when confronted with more diverse opinions they don’t understand, but hey, we all do what we feel is right.

  11. Tabloid WANI says:

    FREE WEST PAPUA (Referendum is the BEST SOLUTION’S) for West Papua (Papua).

  12. AJ says:

    Great piece, well done! Just suggestions for minor revision:
    1) The promise was never realised because Jokowi (DID NOT) provide….
    2) Luhut is not Foreign Affairs Minister

  13. Morgan says:

    There’s a difference between being a racist and refusing to be cringeworthily politically correct.

    I am the latter, it’s a question of dignity, and I refuse point blank to term people who have a different view to mine as racists. Probably makes me dismissive of sub-average IQ’s though.

  14. I can’t agree.

    Gray’s “anatomy” of what constitutes the “essence of contemporary Thai politics” is a perfect example of contemporary orientalism, replete with “essential ideas about
    the Orient – its sensuality, its tendency to despotism, its aberrant mentality, its habits of inaccuracy, its backwardness”. (Orientalism, p.205)

    Morgan Le Fey, on the other hand, represents the distillation of farang expat racism as it is smeared all over discussion forums dealing with Thailand.

  15. m.i.t.a says:

    Correction: Indonesia declared independence in 1945, 1949 is when the Dutch finally admitted –officially– that they could not longer regained control over Indonesia.

  16. wjameszzz says:

    I was responding to Morgan’s comment, his comment is the epitome of racist and orientalist.

  17. planB says:

    The eyes that refuse to see.

    The very picture that is used to portray ‘Myanmar Update’ says it all.

    Besides Myanmar where else are dirt roads that connect the the at least 50% of rural to real urban abundance?

    These road turns to mud with the first rain, impassable , useless 6 months per year.

  18. Kelenger says:

    I am interested to see an analysis on how the Australian treatment of the timorese related to the timor gas reserve affects Australia’s standing in their support to Papua independence. Do the papuans still see Australia as the liberator with interests other than self interests.

  19. Andrew says:

    Back in the 1990s when the newsgroups were still popular and a major concourse of information, Indonesia was routinely deleting any posts that did not support Jakarta’s version of history or referenced books and documents that conflicted with Jakarta’s. It is a relief that there is growing awareness of the censorship that has been affecting people.

  20. Jacob Mardell says:

    Oops, good catch, not exactly a typo, but certainly a brain spasm, sorry.