
  1. anonymous says:

    Dr. Jory,
    Where can I read the profile on your academic background? At the moment I am beginning to read a tranlated version (in Thai) of your work about “Melayu Patani” to “Muslim”: The Specter of Ethnic Identity in Southern Thailand. The topic sounds very interesting.

    Can you provide me with an English version? Thank you.

  2. anonymous says:

    Vichai … there was only 10 including this recent coup, where did you count the 17 coups????

  3. Vichai N says:

    I am beginning to get amused by you guys. You have a certain way of employing convoluted English designed more to impress than to present substance. Well I would to in your position I guess. How else to justiy those resume with masters or ph. d. on arcane subjects with limited or absolutely no practical use to the common villagers . . . err I mean the masses you champion for.

    I will try to peek in once and a while. Maybe I’ll check how you go on articulating what your very respected and illustrous Dr. Jory describes as “patent absurdity” in Thailand’s Sufficiency Economy (TSE)

    Frankly I know not much on this TSE. But I am very certain, sure to the high heavens, that your Andrew Walker was lying to his teeth when he wrote TSE was designed to keep Thailand’s poor . . . . poor. Malicious to the very least your Mr. Andrew Walker if I may say so.

  4. Nicholas Farrelly says:

    For interested New Mandala readers:

    We do not moderate comments based on their expression of diverse opinions or their critical content.

    We do, however, operate a system where we approve all legitimate comments before they are posted. This helps us to cut down on the number of spam comments that can otherwise slip through the spam filters. Andrew and I are both currently in the same time-zone and so we do not always respond to newly posted comments as quickly as we would like.

    We encourage everybody to continue to post comments to New Mandala. Thank you for all of your contributions over the past month.

    We look forward to more as the site continues to expand and development.

    Best wishes,


  5. polo says:

    Earlier Mr Crispin wrote this paragraph which suggests he has bought into the strange meanings the word “democracy” has taken on:

    “Thaksin’s ouster will pave the way for important democratic reforms, which under the military’s and monarchy’s watch will broadly aim to dilute the power of the executive branch, limit the power of large political parties, and strengthen the independent checking and balancing institutions that Thaksin stands accused of undermining.”

    I see: “important democratic reforms” = cutting exectuive power, reducing political party power. So where will that power accrue to — the military and the palace?

  6. Vichai N says:

    Boo! Got you again!

  7. Vichai N says:

    Still this forum won’t publish my three posters in response to the ant above.

    No guts no glory guys.
    You are all just pretentious pompous pathetics good for nothing manipulataive deceivers and benders of the truth. For your patron Thaksin that is why.

    Close your website guys. There is no hope for all of you.

    Give my regards to your boss. He may be consulting his London voodoo advisers at this time.

  8. Patrick Jory says:

    To be honest, the self-sufficiency “theory” doesn’t deserve the honour of being taken seriously by a scholarly debate. The only reason it was taken up again this year was that it provided a rhetorical weapon in the fight to the death against Thaksin. That is, purely for political effect.

    Usually, theorists who intend to have their model taken up as national economic policy that will directly affect the lives of 60 million people will first be required to present their theory at international academic conferences and in peer reviewed journals (at the very least). But in this case, in Thailand no-one dares criticize the patent absurdity of self-sufficiency because of the threat of lese majeste (or worse). Such is the depth of irrationality that Thailand has sunk to under the regime of “democracy with the great king as head of state”.

    THIS is what Mr. Ping Chew needs to understand (though I guess he already does and was merely being polite).

  9. Patrick Jory says:

    If your instincts are right then I guess I must be a monkey.

    About this website I would say it is pro-democratic, rather than anti-dynasty, but if you think about it, it amounts to the same thing. One can’t have one without the other because dynasties never submit themselves to the rule of the people, as we just saw in Thailand.

    I was thinking of you when I read today’s Asia Sentinel, which contains a long critical article on Singapore ( I think you would be very excited to read it. So maybe I won’t have to undertake this task after all.

  10. Vichai N says:

    Two posts of mine you have removed where I specifically wrote that I believe Mr. Andrew Walker was deliberately bending the truth about his interpretation of Thailand’s Sufficiency Economy.

    I give this website maybe a week or two before you decide to close it down.

    Jeez people. I am just one guy engaging all your lies and you cannot even coherently reply.

    Pathethic fools you all are wasting Thaksin’s money on this stupid website. Stupid of Thaksin too . . sign of desperation I guess.

    Hi-falutin fools you all are!

  11. Vichai N says:

    Hello everyone? knock knock!

    Earlier I posted my straight to the point poster responding to the Ant above. I said it straight: I believe Mr. Andrew Walker is not telling the truth DELIBERATELY about Thailand’s Sufficiency Economy.

    Why did you remove my post?

  12. Vichai N says:

    In not so many words what I said is that I do not trust that Andrew Walker is telling the truth . . . that he fabricates translations and interpretations on the Sufficiency Economy that to this date has not been adequately clarified or explained in Thailand.

    Now may I ask from what authority does your Mr. Andrew Walker claim his so called expertise on the Sufficiency Economy subject? Another illustrous Ph.D. of something, I presume?

  13. Ant says:

    Vichai, is it that Andrew is a foreigner claiming to know something about Thailand that offends you or is it that he doesn’t share your opinion on matters? I can see from your earlier posts that you think Thailand and Thai people are (should be) inscrutable to foreigners, would you care to clarify this some please?

  14. Vichai N says:

    Mr. Andrew Walker of New Mandala is the know-all expert on Thailand’s Sufficiency Economy. Why go to Thailand ?. . this foreigner appears to have all the conclusion ready to all who are confused. . . .

  15. Ross Pengilley says:

    I may be wrong but I think Chinese was added to the major street signs sometime in early 2004,as I don’t remember seeing any street signs in Chinese in early or late 2003.

    Wasn’t early 2004 the time when there were banners across some of the streets proclaiming something to do with Thai-Chinese commerce?

  16. Nick

    I think this quote from the article sums up sufficiency economy to a tea:

    Standard & Poor’s Ping Chew says he left confused after a Monday meeting with Ministry of Finance officials that spoke about the need for more sufficiency. “No one knows what [sufficiency economy] really means,” said Ping Chew, S&P’s director of sovereign ratings in Singapore.

  17. […] I assume the exhibition is open to the public. In light of recent debates here at New Mandala that have focussed on self-sufficiency and royal ideas, readers in Bangkok may be keen to see the exhibition for themselves. […]

  18. Vichai N says:

    Not a specialist on Singapore Dr. Jory? Or one of those monkeys who ‘see no evil’ ‘sense no evil’ and ‘hear no evil’ from his patron.

    I am no specialist in Singapore myself Dr. Jory, but I think I have read enough. After all this whole website, if i may make a quick judgment based on my superficial visits, appear to be particularly anti-dynasties, is it not? I could be wrong, of course, but there is a distinctice sulphuric aroma in this website that is just not quite right . . . . Usually my instincts are right Dr. Jory.

  19. Nicholas Farrelly says:

    Hi Janie,

    Thanks for your interest.

    I have no direct experience of the boycott campaigns that target foreign investment in Burma but, if you are keen to be involved, you may like to contact some of the more prominent groups. In the UK, probably the most high-profile is The Burma Campaign ( It has a number of aims, including divestment from Burma and further trade sanctions.

    Best wishes,


  20. Vichai N says:

    Hello everyone – – what happened to my posts.

    I have got you pegged everyone earlier on . . . this is no FORUM. This is another vehicle for Thaksin’s paid legions to begin their malicious slander on Thailand’s monarchy, is it not?

    All your high-falutin ridiculous posters will not be able to deceive people. Jeez people . . I got you pegged the first time I walked in.

    Pathethic SOBs you all are.