
  1. aiontay says:

    If there were adequate transport, then a lot of other needs would be able to be address. For example, Burma’s rural population would be able to sell its agricultural production much easier than it does now.

    There was a Kachin village outside of Kutkai that made a huge amount of money (by local standards) selling mustard greens during the winter in town. They had adequate water and had their fields on south facing slopes, so the lack of rain and nighttime frosts didn’t kill their mustard like many other villages. Since the transport was so bad, getting just about any other fresh vegetable in town was almost impossible. Of course, if transport was improved, that village would lose a lucrative crop, but probably they’d find some way of compensating due to the improved transport.

    However, it should be pointed out that improved transport would also improve the military’s ability to control the country; the first order of business would transporting more soldiers and military supplies, not mustard, so would improving transport really help? I think there are aspirations beyond economic and infrastructure development that are being ignored, and there is the real problem.

  2. Vichai N. says:

    Sudden very furious orchestrated posters/commentaries against the monarchy led by Andrew Walker with Republican/Anon as cheerleaders.

    All these efforts for Santa’s attention I hope, who must be somewhere in China now they say.

    T’is the season to be jolly waiting for bonuses from Santhaksin . . .

  3. Anonymous says:

    Just back from Thailand (12/2006)… many establishments in Thailand will require their employees to continue to wear yellow every day throughout the next year because it is the King’s 80th birthday

  4. […] Today, building any type of trans-regional linkage across Burma is fraught with difficulties. As I have remarked in the past, Burma, and particularly the parts of the north where this railway would run, have some of Southeast Asia’s most basic transport infrastructure. This newly announced Indian ambition for a railway should only sreve to re-focus our attention on the Burmese government’s failure to provide adequate transport infrastructure for its citizens. It is often overlooked that one of the many sins of the Burmese regime is its lack of investment in the public goods that can foster a diverse and dynamic economy. […]

  5. Taxi Driver says:

    lost sheep or emerging from opium-of-the-mass docility?

  6. Republican says:

    No time to write in detail about this now, but further to Andrew’s recommendation for Christmas reading: to get an idea of the unprecedented debate about the monarchy that is now taking place in Thailand post-September 19 compare:

    (i) the front page of Matichon (doesn’t really matter what day)
    (ii) Postings such as this one, from Prachatai:


    р╕Бр╣Ир╕нр╕Щр╕лр╕Щр╣Йр╕▓р╕зр╕▒р╕Щр╕Чр╕╡р╣И19р╕Бр╕▒р╕Щр╕вр╕▓р╕вр╕Щ р╕Ьр╕бр╕Бр╣Зр╣Ар╕лр╕бр╕╖р╕нр╕Щр╕Др╕Щр╣Др╕Чр╕вр╕Чр╕▒р╣Ир╕зр╣Жр╣Др╕Ыр╕Чр╕╡р╣И

    р╣Бр╕Хр╣Ир╕зр╣Ир╕▓р╕лр╕ер╕▒р╕Зр╕Ир╕▓р╕Бр╕зр╕▒р╕Щр╕Чр╕╡р╣И19р╕Бр╕▒р╕Щр╕вр╕▓р╕вр╕Щ р╣Бр╕ер╕░р╕Ир╕Щр╕бр╕▓р╕Цр╕╢р╕Зр╕зр╕▒р╕Щр╕Чр╕╡р╣И4р╕Шр╕▒р╕Щр╕зр╕▓р╕Др╕б2549 р╕Ьр╕бр╕Бр╣З
    -р╕Хр╕нр╕Щр╕Щр╕╡р╣Йр╕Ьр╕бр╕зр╕┤р╕Бр╕др╕Хр╕ир╕гр╕▒р╕Чр╕Шр╕▓р╕Ир╕Щр╣Др╕бр╣Ир╕гр╕╣р╣Йр╕зр╣Ир╕▓р╕Ир╕░р╕Чр╕│р╕Фр╕╡р╕нр╕вр╣Ир╕▓р╕Зр╣Др╕г р╣Бр╕ер╕░р╕Чр╕│р╣Гр╕лр╣Йр╕Бр╕▒р╕Ър╣Гр╕Др╕г р╣Бр╕ер╕░р╣Ар╕Юр╕╖р╣Ир╕нр╣Гр╕Др╕г

    р╣Др╕бр╣Ир╕гр╕╣р╣Йр╕Ьр╕бр╕Ьр╕┤р╕Фр╕Ыр╕Бр╕Хр╕┤р╣Др╕Ыр╕лр╕гр╕╖р╕нр╣Ар╕Ыр╕ер╣Ир╕▓ р╕Кр╣Ир╕зр╕вр╕Ър╕нр╕Бр╕зр╕┤р╕Шр╕╡р╣Бр╕Бр╣Йр╣Др╕Вр╣Гр╕лр╣Йр╕Ьр╕бр╕Фр╣Йр╕зр╕в р╣Ар╕Юр╕гр╕▓р╕░р╕Ьр╕бр╕нр╕▓р╕Ир╕Бр╕│р╕ер╕▒р╕Зр╣Ар╕Ыр╣Зр╕Щр╕ер╕╣р╕Бр╣Бр╕Бр╕░р╕лр╕ер╕Зр╕Чр╕▓р╕З

  7. Republican says:

    Very “saeep”

  8. Olivier says:

    Thanks for your comment Johpa, I defintely agree with your way of considering both linguistic evidences and genetic ones. My aim was not to challenge the idea that indeed, Thai langage seems to have originated in Southern China and that migrations obviously have occurred from this are as well. I was just saying that I see no reason why some genetic data concerning a “core” population in nowdays Thailand should be named “Thai DNA”.
    I am very interested by the example you gave of a “Thai” village with Khmu (or Lwa ?) ancestors. Could you please get into contact with me by e-mail ? ([email protected]). I’d like to discuss that matter with you.

  9. polo says:

    From the Nation Dec 22: Now why aren’t they encouraged to donate the money to something which helps fight alcoholism, or something that helps fight AIDS or protects the environment?


    Shun alcohol and contribute to HM’s projects: group

    People are being urged to donate money that they would otherwise spend on alcohol to a demonstration centre for HM the King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s ideas, including his Sufficiency Economy theory, under a campaign launched yesterday.

    “Alcohol can deprive drinkers of judgement, rational thinking and immunity required in their lives,” Thai Health Promotion Foundation second vice chairperson Udomsil Srisangnam said at the launch of the campaign.

    A survey by the National Statistical Office showed that Thais last year spent on average about Bt206 a month on alcoholic beverages.

    More than 600,000 workers surveyed in Chon Buri said they spent more than Bt800 a month on liquor despite the fact that each had debts of about Bt180,000.

    Udomsil said all donations would go to the Bhumirak Thammachart centre, where His Majesty’s Sufficiency Economy theory is demonstrated.

  10. anon says:

    Too bad King Ananta didn’t have Royal Police as good as this….

  11. saraburian says:

    Don’t forget that Chamlong was Prem’s secretary for quite some time when Prem was a premeir. And now he also serves in the NLA. Also, there is an allegation that he was involved with the right-wing operations to crush the student protesters during the 6 October 1976 massacre. Over a long period, it looks like he’s flip-flopping all the time…

  12. Republican says:

    For a forecast of the likely trend in Thailand’s economic management over the next 2 months see Comment 4 of

  13. Republican says:

    Fun with Prachatai webboard. When I’m feeling lonely on NM I go and see what my friends are doing on Prachatai. They seem to be having much more fun.

    “р╣Гр╕Др╕гр╕Ир╕▓р╕Ър╕Ир╣Йр╕зр╕Зр╕Юр╕ер╣Ар╕нр╕Бр╣Ар╕Ыр╕гр╕б р╕Др╕╖р╕н р╕Др╕Щр╣Др╕бр╣Ир╕гр╕╣р╣Йр╕Ир╕▒р╕Бр╕Чр╕╡р╣Ир╕Хр╣Ир╕│р╕Чр╕╡р╣Ир╕кр╕╣р╕З”

    р╕Др╕зр╕▓р╕бр╕Др╕┤р╕Фр╣Ар╕лр╣Зр╕Щр╕Чр╕╡р╣И 2: р╕Вр╕н р╕Чр╕гр╕Зр╕Юр╕гр╕░р╕Ыр╕гр╕░р╕Кр╕зр╕г
    р╕Др╕зр╕▓р╕бр╕Др╕┤р╕Фр╣Ар╕лр╣Зр╕Щр╕Чр╕╡р╣И 6: р╕Вр╕нр╣Гр╕лр╣Йр╕Хр╕╣р╕Фр╕Вр╕нр╕Зр╕кр╕бр╣Ар╕Фр╣Зр╕Ир╣Ар╕Ыр╕гр╕б р╕Чр╕гр╕Зр╕лр╕▓р╕вр╕Ир╕▓р╕Бр╕нр╕▓р╕Бр╕▓р╕гр╕Хр╕╣р╕Фр╕Ър╕зр╕бр╣Ар╕Чр╕нр╕Н р╕кр╕▓р╕Шр╕╕
    р╕Др╕зр╕▓р╕бр╕Др╕┤р╕Фр╣Ар╕лр╣Зр╕Щр╕Чр╕╡р╣И 7: р╕Вр╕нр╕Ир╕Зр╕Чр╕гр╕Зр╕лр╕▓р╕вр╕Ир╕▓р╕Бр╣Вр╕ер╕Бр╕Щр╕╡р╣Йр╣Др╕Ыр╣Др╕зр╣Жр╕кр╕▓р╕Шр╕╕
    р╕Др╕зр╕▓р╕бр╕Др╕┤р╕Фр╣Ар╕лр╣Зр╕Щр╕Чр╕╡р╣И 8: р╕Цр╕╢р╕Зр╣Др╕нр╣Йр╣Ар╕Ыр╕г р╣Др╕нр╣Йр╣Ар╕лр╣Й ^-^р╕Чр╕│р╣Гр╕лр╣Йр╕Ър╣Йр╕▓р╕Щр╣Ар╕бр╕╖р╣Ир╕нр╕Зр╕Йр╕┤р╕Ър╕лр╕▓р╕вр╕Вр╕нр╣Гр╕лр╣Йр╕Ыр╕╡р╣Гр╕лр╕бр╣Ир╕Щр╕╡р╣Й^-^р╕Йр╕┤ р╕Чр╕▒р╣Йр╕Зр╕зр╕Зр╕Др╣Мр╕Хр╕░р╕Бр╕зр╕Фр╕бр╕▒р╕Щ
    р╕Др╕зр╕▓р╕бр╕Др╕┤р╕Фр╣Ар╕лр╣Зр╕Щр╕Чр╕╡р╣И 10: р╕Вр╕нр╣Гр╕лр╣Йр╕Ыр╕гр╕░р╕Кр╕▓р╕Кр╕Щ р╕Ыр╕гр╕░р╕Ур╕▓р╕бр╕Щр╕▒р╕Зр╣Ар╕Тр╣Ир╕▓р╣Ар╕Ыр╕гр╕з
    р╕Др╕зр╕▓р╕бр╕Др╕┤р╕Фр╣Ар╕лр╣Зр╕Щр╕Чр╕╡р╣И 12: р╕Вр╕нр╕Юр╕гр╕░р╕нр╕Зр╕Др╣Мр╕кр╕бр╣Ар╕Фр╣Зр╕Ир╣Ар╕Ыр╕бр╕Ир╕Зр╕Чр╕гр╕Зр╕Юр╕гр╕░р╕зр╕┤р╕Ыр╕ер╕▓р╕и р╣Вр╕Фр╕вр╕Юр╕ер╕▒р╕Щ
    р╕Др╕зр╕▓р╕бр╕Др╕┤р╕Фр╣Ар╕лр╣Зр╕Щр╕Чр╕╡р╣И 14: !!р╣Бр╕Б !!р╣Бр╕Б р╕Хр╣Кр╕Фр╣Бр╕Б
    р╕Др╕зр╕▓р╕бр╕Др╕┤р╕Фр╣Ар╕лр╣Зр╕Щр╕Чр╕╡р╣И 16: р╕Вр╕нр╕Чр╕гр╕З р╕Юр╕гр╕░р╕Ир╕▒р╕Ур╣Др╕г р╕зр╕┤р╕Ър╕▒р╕Хр╕┤ р╕Юр╕гр╕░р╣Ар╕Ир╣Йр╕▓р╕Вр╣Йр╕▓
    р╕Др╕зр╕▓р╕бр╕Др╕┤р╕Фр╣Ар╕лр╣Зр╕Щр╕Чр╕╡р╣И 19: р╕нр╕вр╣Ир╕▓р╕ер╕╖р╕бр╕зр╣Ир╕▓р╕Чр╕гр╕Зр╕кр╕▓р╕бр╕▓р╕гр╕Цр╕Др╕зр╕Ър╕Др╕╕р╕бр╕нр╕│р╕Щр╕▓р╕Ир╕Хр╕╕р╕ер╕▓р╕Бр╕▓р╕гр╣Др╕Фр╣Йр╣Ар╕Ър╣Зр╕Фр╣Ар╕кр╕гр╣Зр╕Ир╣Ар╕Фр╣Зр╕Фр╕Вр╕▓р╕Фр╕Фр╣Йр╕зр╕вр╕Др╕гр╕▒р╕Ъ р╕Вр╕нр╕Др╕▓р╕гр╕зр╕░
    р╕Др╕зр╕▓р╕бр╕Др╕┤р╕Фр╣Ар╕лр╣Зр╕Щр╕Чр╕╡р╣И 21: р╕Вр╕нр╣Гр╕лр╣Йр╕кр╕бр╣Ар╕Фр╣Зр╕Ир╣Ар╕Ыр╕гр╕бр╕Хр╕▓р╕вр╕лр╣Ир╕▓р╣Др╕зр╣Ж р╣Гр╕Щр╣Ар╕гр╣Зр╕зр╕зр╕▒р╕Щ р╕Юр╕░р╕вр╕░р╕Др╣Ир╕░
    р╕Др╕зр╕▓р╕бр╕Др╕┤р╕Фр╣Ар╕лр╣Зр╕Щр╕Чр╕╡р╣И 22: р╕Йр╕▒р╕Щр╣Ар╕Ыр╣Зр╕Щр╕Др╕Щр╕Лр╕╖р╣Ир╕н р╕гр╕▒р╕Бр╕Др╕зр╕▓р╕бр╕вр╕╕р╕Хр╕┤р╕Шр╕гр╕гр╕б р╣Др╕бр╣Ир╕Кр╕нр╕Ър╕Др╕Щр╕Чр╕╡р╣Ир╕Йр╕зр╕вр╣Вр╕нр╕Бр╕▓р╕кр╕Ир╕▓р╕Бр╕Др╕зр╕▓р╕бр╣Др╕Фр╣Йр╣Ар╕Ыр╕гр╕╡р╕вр╕Ър╕Вр╕нр╕Зр╕Хр╕Щр╕вр╣Нр╕▓р╕вр╕╡р╕Др╕Щр╕нр╕╖р╣Ир╕Щ р╕Др╕Щр╣Др╕бр╣Ир╕бр╕╡р╕кр╕▒р╕Ир╕Ир╕░ р╕Ър╕нр╕Бр╕зр╣Ир╕▓р╕Ир╕░р╣Др╕бр╣Ир╕бр╕╡р╕Ыр╕Пр╕┤р╕зр╕▒р╕Хр╕┤ р╣Бр╕ер╣Йр╕зр╕бр╕╡19р╕Бр╕в р╕Чр╣Нр╕▓р╣Др╕б р╕Бр╕▓р╕гр╕Ыр╕Пр╕┤р╕зр╕▒р╕Хр╕┤р╕Чр╣Нр╕▓р╣Гр╕лр╣Йр╕Ър╣Йр╕▓р╕Щр╣Ар╕бр╕╖р╕нр╕Зр╕Вр╕нр╕Зр╕Чр╕╕р╕Бр╕Др╕Щр╕Цр╕нр╕вр╕лр╕ер╕▒р╕З р╕Чр╣Нр╕▓р╣Др╕бр╣Др╕бр╣Ир╣Ар╕Ир╣Йр╕▓р╕Вр╕нр╕Зр╕Ыр╕гр╕░р╣Ар╕Чр╕ир╣Ар╕Вр╕▓р╣Ар╕ер╕╖р╕нр╕Бр╕зр╣Ир╕▓р╣Ар╕Вр╕▓р╕Ир╕░р╣Ар╕нр╕▓р╕нр╕░р╣Др╕г
    р╕Др╕зр╕▓р╕бр╕Др╕┤р╕Фр╣Ар╕лр╣Зр╕Щр╕Чр╕╡р╣И 31:р╣Др╕нр╣Йр╕Фр╣Йр╕зр╕Щр╕кр╕╡р╣Ир╣Ар╕кр╕▓ р╕Вр╕нр╣Гр╕лр╣Йр╣Ар╕Ыр╣Зр╕Щр╣Ар╕нр╕Фр╕кр╣Мр╕Хр╕▓р╕вр╣Др╕зр╣Ж
    р╕Др╕зр╕▓р╕бр╕Др╕┤р╕Фр╣Ар╕лр╣Зр╕Щр╕Чр╕╡р╣И 34: р╕лр╕▓р╕Бр╕Хр╕▓р╕вр╕Ир╕гр╕┤р╕Зр╣Ж р╣Др╕бр╣Ир╕гр╕╣р╣Йр╕Щр╕гр╕Бр╕Ир╕░р╕вр╕нр╕бр╕гр╕▒р╕Ър╕бр╕▒р╕Щр╕лр╕гр╕╖р╕нр╣Ар╕Ыр╕ер╣Ир╕▓ р╣Бр╕ер╣Йр╕зр╕Ир╕░р╣Гр╕лр╣Йр╕бр╕▒р╕Щр╣Др╕Ыр╕нр╕вр╕╣р╣Ир╕Чр╕╡р╣Ир╣Др╕лр╕Щр╕Фр╕╡р╕ер╣Ир╕░
    р╕Др╕зр╕▓р╕бр╕Др╕┤р╕Фр╣Ар╕лр╣Зр╕Щр╕Чр╕╡р╣И 37: р╣Вр╕Ыр╕гр╕Фр╕Яр╕▒р╕Зр╕нр╕╡р╕Бр╕Др╕гр╕▒р╣Йр╕Зр╣Гр╕Др╕гр╕нр╕вр╣Ир╕▓р╣Др╕Ыр╕вр╕╕р╣Ир╕З р╕нр╕вр╣Ир╕▓р╣Др╕Ыр╕Ир╕▓р╕Ър╕Ир╣Йр╕зр╕Зр╣Ар╕Др╣Йр╕▓р╕Щр╕░

    р╣А = р╣Ар╕гр╣Ир╣Ар╕Вр╣Йр╕▓р╕гр╕╣
    р╕Ы = р╕Ыр╕▓р╕Бр╕Фр╕╣р╕Фр╕гр╕╣
    р╕г = р╕гр╣Ир╕зр╕бр╕Чр╕▓р╕Зр╕гр╕╣
    р╕б = р╕бр╕╕р╕Фр╣Ар╕Вр╣Йр╕▓р╕гр╕╣
    р╕Др╕зр╕▓р╕бр╕Др╕┤р╕Фр╣Ар╕лр╣Зр╕Щр╕Чр╕╡р╣И 40: р╕лр╕▒р╕зр╣Ар╕гр╕▓р╕░р╕Ир╕Щр╕Ыр╕зр╕Фр╕лр╕▒р╕з р╕Ыр╣Ир╕▓р╕Щр╕Щр╕╡р╣Йр╕Др╕Зр╕Чр╕гр╕Зр╕Юр╕гр╕░р╕кр╕░р╕Фр╕╕р╣Йр╕Зр╕нр╕вр╕╣р╣Ир╕Чр╕╡р╣Ир╕зр╕▒р╕Зр╕кр╕╡р╣Ир╣Ар╕кр╕▓р╣Бр╕ер╣Йр╕з
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  14. Republican says:

    Question to International Thai Studies Scholars

    Re. 10th International Conference on Thai Studies:

    I have just received this notice:

    Thammasat University, the second oldest university in Thailand known for its academic excellence in humanities and social sciences, and the Thai Khadi Research Institute, the first institution in Thailand to devote itself to Thai studies, invite scholars from all disciplines and intellectual perspectives to participate in the 10th International Conference on Thai Societies in a Transnationalized World. The conference is a continuation of a well-established academic tradition which aims to promote research and in-depth study of Thai culture and society as well as to provide a forum for academics to present their viewpoints and research findings. Besides the academic focus, the conference will be an event to celebrate the auspicious occasion of the 80th birth anniversary of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej in recognition of His Majesty’s great benevolence and life-long work for the well-being of the Thai people. [also available at:

    Given (i) the strong support of the King for the September 19 coup d’etat that overthrew a democratically elected government; and (ii) the decision by Thammasat University’s Rector, Surapol Nitikraipoj, to accept a position in the National Legislative Assembly appointed by the military junta,

    should Thai Studies scholars boycott this conference?

    [NOTE: in the Thai version of this message the FIRST reason for holding the conference is to celebrate the 80th birthday of HMK!]

  15. polo says:

    Interesting article on coup:

    If anyone, Prasong should know what the coup plotters first envisaged, because the former air force squadron leader was one of five serving or retired senior military figures who hatched plans to oust Thaksin as early as July, he told Asia Times Online. Interestingly, the five original plotters, while obviously including army commander Sonthi, did not include former prime minister, army commander and now chief of the Privy Council Prem.

    The highly respected Prem was widely regarded by the media as the backbone of the September 19 coup, though he is now quite active with the new military rulers. Nor did the original five coup makers include Surayud, who was only informed that he would be appointed interim prime minister by the coup makers about aweek before he took office “somewhat reluctantly”, as he later told the Thai press.

    “The coup was the only way we could see to rid Thailand of Thaksin – our only option,” Prasong said. “It was not planned because we thought Thaksin was planning his own coup to bolster his military status, but just to stop him. We considered other options, but this was the only way we could think of to stop him.”

    Prasong and other military sources have also painted a picture of the events leading up to the September 19 coup. First, the commanders of all the armed services – army, navy and air force – were summoned to a meeting with King Bhumibol at his Hua Hin palace, his normal residence, south of Bangkok. Strangely, Supreme Commander Ruengroj Mahasaranont failed to show up for the meeting. Ruengroj was suspected of being too close to Thaksin, and later appeared to teeter on the brink of loyalty to both sides as the coup started.

  16. polo says:

    The last two comments illustrate the maxim that “everything good is credited to King Bhumibol, everything bad blamed on someone else”.

  17. Thailand is justified trying to protect itself against the US-China giants. Chile provides a clear precedent for effective use of capital controls to prevent exchange rate appreciation:

    It’s better to take a calm cool-headed pragmatic approach to solving the problem like Pridiyathorn than the moralising tone of the Asia Sentinel article though.

    As for His Majesty the King’s sufficiency economy philosophy, Nobel prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz has a similar approach.

  18. […] For those reluctant, for whatever reason, to read Paul Handley’s The King Never Smiles here is an alternative perspective on the Thai king. Written by Police General Vasit Dejkunjorn (12 years service in the royal court police) this English language translation provides an up-close look at royal travels and travails. I am only half way through the book at this stage so cannot find a full review, but New Mandala readers can access some commentary at the publisher’s web site. My favourite passage so far: I have heard civil servants such as district chiefs quite embarrassingly use common terms like phom (for I) and khrap in speaking with the king. I think that district chiefs should learn how to use the royal vocabulary properly. (p. 78) […]

  19. Vichai N. says:

    Will every market aberration, every wild Baht currency swing either direction, every economic blimp of next 12 months be attributed by Andrew Walker to ‘Sufficiency Economy’?

    The BOT was clearly trying to discourage surge of ‘hot foreign money’ that was distorting the Thai Baht currency, but overreached. But the remedial measures to stem the damage was at least very swift but of course Thailand’s credibility will suffer in the medium term.

    Republican on the other hand will continue to serve his malicious anti-Thai King posters however ill-timed or irrelevant.

  20. Cosmopolitan says:

    People who call questions ‘inappropriate’ usually have an interest in preventing them from being answered. It is absurd to suggest that questions should not be asked about the financial dealings of a military regime that has assumed power through a coup de tat. Just because the King’s word is sacred it does not mean that those he places confidence in are as well. A bit of moral courage and intellectual integrity here would be beneficial for Thailand, its people and for new perspectives on it. There is neither courage nor integrity in suggesting that it is ‘inappropriate’ to ask questions of a military elite. It only serves their interests and it is most questionable to assume that their interests are the same as most king-loving Thais.