
  1. patiwat says:

    Read the articles – the AEC is demanding the payment of an individual capital gains tax, something that has never existed in Thailand.

    There’s never been any doubt that the Shinawatras had to pay income taxes on any profits or salary they earned (including profits from the stock market). Don’t forget – income taxes are paid at the end of the tax year (although there are exceptions that allow for payment at 6 months). But the demands for the Shinawatras to pay capital gains taxes have occured since the sale happened earlier this year, well before the tax deadline. Sondhi & Co. weren’t demanding that Thaksin pay income tax – they were demanding that he pay capital gains tax.

    As for the bombings, I don’t really want to make any conclusions until some more evidence comes out. The junta itself warned of greater Southern violence during the new year. Some police are blaming Thaksin supporters, and some other police are blaming the Southern insurgents. Some of my friends are blaming the ISOC, and some are blaming the junta itself. Too much disinformation is going around now.

  2. anonymous says:

    Why did you guys think I was being sarcastic?

    Are we so cynical that we think that anybody claiming to love for the King is being sarcastic or is doing it for their own good?

    Without the King, we would not have a parliamentary democracy under a constitutional monarchy today.

  3. jeru says:

    These TRT corrupts, Thaksin included, are so desperate for any distraction that would divert the many asset/tax inquiries currently going on. I would think that those recent escalation of savagery at the South may have been Thaksin or TRT-inspired purposedly to create distractions.

    Now the bombings ominously have moved to Bangkok — seven bombs went off simultaneously with lots of injuries and some deaths. Thaksin & Newin could be the very authors of these recent Bangkok bombings – – although I can predict Chaturon/TRT will try to point to the Southern militants as being responsible.

  4. Vichai N. says:

    Do take off your blinkers Patiwat – – tonight at New Year’s eve, seven bombs exploded in Bangkok with two killed and a number injured. Who profits from such carnage and outrage against the Bangkok people?

    My suspicions are that Thakin Shinawatra and his cohorts have now officially declared bloody war against their opponents, predominarly the residents of Bangkok city.

    Thaksin and his cohorts needed a distraction from all the investigation into their tax evasion, extrajudicial killings, and corruption crimes. Hence the bombings.

    Thaksin and his cohorts were certainly capable of mass murder as evidenced by his extrajjudicial rampage during his anti yaa baa madness. These latest bombings, were planned and obviously well financed, bear the fingerprints of Thaksin and his corrupt thugs.

  5. Aung Kyaw says:

    What Bo Mya said dispels the myth among many Burmans (like myself, unfortunately) that ethnic rebel groups do not aim to remain in the Union of Burma, but are trying to secede and create their own countries.

  6. nganadeeleg says:

    Sorry, I did not realise we had more than one ‘anon’ posting on this site.

    You might like this quote I came across:
    “The Thai monarchy should be perceived as safeguarding, enabling and energizing the body politic until the political system is sufficiently mature to do so itself. Several times over the past two decades His Majesty has single-handedly interceded to defuse armed confrontation between democratic and authoritarian groups and encourage peaceful resolution of the conflict and the consequent resumption of some semblance of political stability. In so doing the monarchy has effectively provided parliamentary democracy with the time and political space to develop and affirm its own political bona fides and credentials. How successful the Thai democratic system has been in moving towards this goal is another question. Some have argued that the accelerated engagement and direct involvement of His Majesty in what might be viewed as the minutiae of the everyday functioning of government indicate extreme frustration with the performance level of the present system of parliamentary democracy and its obvious inefficiencies, corruption ,and lack of political will. His Majesty’s intervention could be seen as a clarion call to those holding the levers of parliamentary political power to clean up their act and get down to the business of responsible governance. Hopefully, the not-so-coded royal messages will be heeded, though the possibility cannot be discounted that they will not. If those in political power continue to place their personal interests over national interests, the public will further lose faith in the system.” By William J. Klausner

    It is part of a lengthy article on Law & Society in Thailand, and so I am not accused of quoting out of context, here is a link to the full article (this is Part 5 of 7 – I found the full article quite interesing, although I am not sure when it was written):

  7. nganadeeleg says:

    Patiwat, please take off your blinkers, and forget about capital gains tax.
    The shares were transferred to the Thaksin children at below market value, which is the same as happened in the Ruangkrai case.
    The children made a profit when they received the shares, such profit being the difference between what they paid and the value of the shares (on the day they received them).
    The concept of taxing such profits is quite common (usually it applies to non arms length transactions between associated parties)
    I find it amusing that you are obviously a very intelligent person, but seem unable to grasp this point after it has been repeatedly made to you.

  8. anonymous says:

    anon is short for “anonymous”. My name is not р╕нр╕▓р╕Щр╕Щр╕Чр╣М. Don’t assume that all anonymous comments are made by the same person – they aren’t.

    Comment number 1 was very serious, and I am not a racist. Without the wise King Bhumibol to guide us, capitalists would have raped Thailand’s environment a long time ago. Laos people succumbed to the stupidity of communism and the sin of regicide.

    They threw away the moral compass with which to manage the environment. But at least the Lao people have the decency to love the Thai King and Princess Sirindhorn, and our Thai royal family has been gracious enough to extend the royal shade to the Lao people.

    If the Lao people follow the Thai King and take care not to sell all their assets to foreigners like Thaksin did in Thailand, Lao will some day be green with life and happiness.

  9. patiwat says:

    Ruangkrai’s case is fundamentally different from the case being pursued against Thaksin. The court found that Ruangkrai’s profits on the share sale should be considered as part of his taxable income along with salary, bonuses, etc.

    The AEC is demanding that Thaksin pay capital gains tax, seperate and distinct from his taxes he has to pay on his taxable income (which should already include profits made from share transactions). See here and here. Of course, nobody in Thailand has ever had to pay any capital gains tax, but that hasn’t deterred the anti-Thaksin critics from making up a new tax statute that would only apply to people related to Thaksin.

  10. anon says:

    So dancing in public to hip-hop while wearing a miniskirt and a tank top is allowed, but dancing on a raised platform to hip-hop while wearing a miniskirt and a tube top is banned? Really, what’s the difference?

  11. nganadeeleg says:

    Yes, anon, the allegations are very serious and need urgent investigation – the government should immediately stop all the investigations into Thaksin and investigate Surayud instead.

    A holiday house and Sonthi’s marital affairs are obviously much more important than billion baht deals, tax avoidance and extra judicial killings.

  12. miss kelly says:

    So they’re banned from dancing in public places, fine, I have no problem with that. No one is stopping club or bar owners from having dancing girls. Not everyone wants to look at skimpily clad women in every setting, which is increasingly the norm no matter where one goes these days. Young women are under very strong social pressure nowadays not only to be pretty but to be sexy and “hot.” We’re not doing the generation of young women any favors. There’s a time and a place for everything. Coyote Girls dancing near Buddhist temples IS an affront. Save it for the clubs.

  13. anon says:

    Do you think the government will seriously investigate the allegations?

    The Interior Minister has already dismissed the allegations.

    And the Parliament has no authority to conduct a vote of no confidence against the government.

    Since we can’t rely on the government to police itself, I think it is time to petition the King to appoint a replacement Premier.

  14. nganadeeleg says:

    Whilst I agree with Andrew’s sentiments that there be greater scrutiny of elite aquisitions of forest reserve land, I am puzzled why suspect land dealings only seem to hurt those politicians with ‘squeeky clean’ images.
    Perhaps everyone expects it from other politicians?

  15. nganadeeleg says:

    Ruangkrai Leekitwattana has exhibited a form of ‘thainess’ that I doubt even ET would have predicted.

    I had previously tried to explain to Patiwat that he was looking at the wrong share transaction when considering whether tax applied – hopefully the tax case in the above article helps you understand.

  16. nganadeeleg says:

    Jopha: I read it as sarcasm – have a look at anon’s other comments and I think you will understand where he is coming from.

  17. nganadeeleg says:

    Critics of the junta seem to be clutching at straws with these allegations, and it would be shameful if they prove to be enough of a distraction to take the heat of Thaksin.
    Whilst I do not condone any illegal or corrupt practices, these appear to be minor indiscretions which pale into insignificance compared to the wholesale corruption and extra judicial killings under Thaksin.
    It is a pity that Andrew & patiwat were not so diligent in their condemnation of Thaksin’s wrong doings.

    fall – apart from scale of the alleged wrong doings, the other differences are:
    – there were many such allegations against Thaksin, but this is the only one against Surayud
    (so far – no doubt Thaksin and his lackies, including Chavalit, will be pulling out all stops to try and find something else)

    – there is a chance we can believe Surayud when he says he will step aside if found guilty, but Thaksin proved time and again that he could not be believed.

  18. anon says:

    At the coyote spots I frequent (Soprano, Forte, Caribean) the girls hardly ever wear anything close to X-rated. Usually short skirts, hotpants, tank tops or tube tops. Just slightly sexier than what you’d see in Siam Square. Heck, I’ve seen shorter skirts on the campus of Chulalongkorn University, or among the college interns at Government House or the Bank of Thailand. You’ll see a lot more skin in a Patpong bar or a Western stripclub than in a coyote spot.

    The old ladies in the Culture Ministry have to get it out of their heads that these girls are not prostitutes, and that in rape, males are the guilty party, not females.

  19. Johpa says:

    Those stupid Lao have too much bad karma for killing their royal family. They’ve lost all moral sense and have become greedy like a nation of mini-Thaksins.

    We Thai are lucky that we have our wise King who can teach us about sufficient economy and that there is more to life than “livelihood”. Lao brothers should try to learn from the Thai King.

    Is the above quoted posting a joke or is it just a great example of the prejudices that the Bangkok folks have towards all others, such as the Isaan/Lao folk or the various minorities in Thailand?

  20. patiwat says:

    The Interior Minister is defending Surayud. “Gen Surayud purchased the land from someone else so the question has to be posed to the first owner whether the land is reserved,” said Mr Aree. (See here)

    Of course, that’s total bullcrap. Buying illegal land from somebody doesn’t clear you of wrongdoing. Surayud is still owning illegal land and is still breaking the law.