
  1. Sai Kyaw Han says:

    I have known Professor Conolly since 2014 when he and his wife Dr. Joyce visiting Myanmar. At that time, I am trying to find a funding assistant for publishing “Where there is no doctor” book in Shan language. I made a proposal and sent to Bruce though one of their friend. with the fund assistance from Bruce and Joyce, I had published 500 copies.
    He also supported me to published 3000 copies of “Where women have no doctor” in 2010.
    He is such an altruistic and

  2. […] Amarjit Kaur. Indian migrant workers in Malaysia – part 2. new mandala. February 21, 2013. Accessed on Nov 8, […]

  3. […] the more apparent given how close Prabowo Subianto came to the Indonesian presidency in 2014 while openly stating his opposition to electoral […]

  4. […] KPK. If it succeeds in following through on the case it will refute criticism that the agency has struggled to prosecute high-level officials. The stakes are particularly high in the e-ID case given the climate of intimidation against those […]

  5. […] has reared its ugly head in the country, preaching intolerance and hate and even justifying the killing of non-Buddhists. An epic humanitarian crisis is unfolding in Myanmar, with over 600,000 members […]

  6. horstliebner says:

    Ya, pinisi … I too was arguing about it when the idea came up – yet, ‘phinisi’ is the nowadays’ tagline for traditional Indonesian boat-building and sailing, and for not only the Indonesian public comprises anything wooden afloat with -or even without, as it so often seems!- something like a pole and a little wind-catching fabric on it. It took a long time to explain to the people in charge what a pinisi actually is, and even more so that it is much less the hybrid pinisi, but the overall knowledge that had given birth to such a ship that should be turned into a World Heritage … the padewakang Jeffrey mentioned was part of that.
    I posted the original applications, as accepted already a year ago, at – and there it will become clear that the main point in what is now an Intangible World Heritage is the sophisticated blueprints for a ship, the ‘tatta’; to say it in plain and unprecise words, the knowledge of conceptionalising the construction of a ship as a puzzle of planks and dowels, each of which has a predetermined shape and position in what famously is ‘the most complex artefact routinely produced prior to the Industrial Revolution’. This approach is contradicting Western naval production, where since at least the 15th century a ship’s hull is outlined by a framework of, ya, frames, the ‘ribs’ of a ship.
    The only historic vessels of such workmanship that as yet have been studied in detail, the Nanhan/Cirebon Wreck of the 10th century and 12th-14th century Butuan ships, appear to have been built following a concept not too much different from the one that could produce a padewakang, patorani or pinisi – and it seems that these approaches stem from the Austronesian -and thus, eventually, ‘Indonesian’- contribution to our World’s maritime heritage, the outrigger craft, thus evidencing an unbroken tradition of at least 3000 years of naval construction. It was this kind of vessels that during the first millennium BC criss-crossed the South China Sea and the Western Pacific Ocean; that throughout the ensuing centuries were met with by Greek merchants in India and described by Chinese harbour officials; and that reportedly could be so huge, that a Portuguese carrack of the 16th century ‘didn’t look like at ship at all’ if facing them in battle. And did you know that the most modern fast sailing ship designs of ‘Western’ make, the catamaran and trimaran, copy their concept from the latter, truly genuine Austronesian ‘invention’? …
    Sadly, these traditions presently are on the very verge of being sidelined by modern ship-building materials and techniques – and, yes, the ever-rising demand for such modern vessels. And right here was the snag in the application: It proved difficult for the Indonesian authorities to produce enough evidence re their efforts in guarding this millennia-old heritage, so that the application was postponed until more substantiation for their determination in guarding a technical tradition that they themselves had hardly heard of could be given. Now a World Heritage declared by UNESCO, it thus now is up to us all to guard it – first-off-all, by more and more detailed research, and, I dare say, at last place this heritage onto the place where it belongs.

  7. […] of the older techniques remains. In a recent project, Makassan master shipwrights built an old-style padewakang at Tana Beru, South Sulawesi, dismantled and air-freighted it to Europe and reassembled it for an […]

  8. […] of the older techniques remains. In a recent project, Makassan master shipwrights built an old-style padewakang at Tana Beru, South Sulawesi, dismantled and air-freighted it to Europe and reassembled it for an […]

  9. […] What will 2018 bring for Thai politics? In late 2017, clues began to emerge about how the National Council of Peace and Order (NCPO) would prepare its departure from power in 2018. A number of scenarios have been speculated […]

  10. Jeff Chagrin says:

    I filmed with an Australian mercenary who called himself ‘Steve’ with the Karen Guerrillas, in the battle for ‘sleeping dog hill’ in January 1992. Is this Dave Everett? It was pretty insane frontline footage — the first I ever filmed in a career of 25 years. He saved my life twice that day…

  11. […] New Mandala 23 May 2017 […]

  12. […] Confronting ‘Chinese privilege’ in Singapore […]

  13. […] issued the current list of national races, which has met with some controversy ever since: it arbitrarily excluded the Rohingya, subsumed some groups under others with which they have little or no linguistic […]

  14. […] Azis Anwar Fachrudin is an alumnus and now a staff member of CRCS UGM. This piece was originally published at New Mandala. […]

  15. […] Published in New Mandala. […]

  16. […] week, we have a post not entirely about the art per se (please see last week’s excellent review for a perspective on that), but a personally-confronting, somewhat incoherent reflection on why […]

  17. Liam Gammon says:

    Hilarion–this image was posted under a previous editorial team; I am unsure whether rights were extended so it has now been replaced by a creative commons image. Thanks for flagging. Liam, Editor

  18. Hilarion Goh says:

    I believed the picture here belongs to my friend, Thomas Tham and I would like to know if the rights were given to use the picture.

  19. Shawn McHale says:

    Very interesting! One other fascinating Filipino export — boondock/ boondocks — which came into the American language during the American colonial occupation of the Philippines.

  20. […] Ahok case shows a link between expressions of Muslim solidarity and resentment of existing socio-economic conditions. Such resentment is not exclusively held by poor Muslims — […]