
  1. vichai n says:

    Eeny, meeny, miny, moe
    Tickle a General with a Yes?
    or rattle him instead with a No
    Eeny, meeny, miny, moe

  2. Philippe Borsa says:

    Sade Bimantara merely expresses himself as the propagandist of the colonial Indon regime. Of course is not West Papuans who attempt to take over their own land. This sort of twisting words and transvesting reality characterizes propaganda.

  3. John Smith says:

    Unless your alternative is Belgium, Britain (perfidious Albion) is not really a good option as a colonizer (opium/Amritsar/Black&Tans/Boers/Aung San/Mau Mau etc. etc.)

    ‘…re-invented oppressive Brahmin and Buddhist illusions…’ It is the false re-invention that is illusory and oppressive, not the original doctrine of sacred kingship in Hinduism and Buddhism.

  4. David L says:

    The Malaysian people are too passive to stage a coup. It will only happen if they can no longer fill their rice-bowls. At the rate corruption is going in Malaysia, this might not be far away.

  5. Chris Beale says:

    Meanwhile already bloodied, and about to be disenfranchised, Isaarn daily sees the Deep South separatists’ success against Prayut’s military. The author correctly warns of widening violence. As the right to free education, health care, etc., hits crunch point in a depressed, struggling, rapacious economy : how long before Isaarn reverts to traditional armed struggle against Bangkok’s rulers ?

  6. You mean the Thai godfather?
    Yes, absolutely!
    He is the root of all misery grown and dumped onto the Thai folk!

  7. We have these institutions like:,, …

    Guess what they do?
    All big fuzz only, little to no action.
    And besides, not much to gain from Thailand.
    So there you have it.

    People need to use their people power and take action – for themselves!

  8. Jim #2 says:

    Maybe the greatest hope for Thailand lies within the military – in the form of rank-and-file resistance to elitist interests. But that would require courageous leaders. Where might they be found?

  9. Roy Anderson says:

    Prem and his cronies should spend their last days in prison.
    The other two unmentional people are on their last legs and any court would not prosecute.
    The conspirators included many big businessmen. The list that the PT govt held and FAILED to act on, plus the accounts of the war chest would put most conspirators away for a very long time.
    Yes, that is the type of reconciliation I would like to see.

  10. bernd weber says:

    but roy – do you really want to lock the old man in the wheelchair yet? he is nevertheless already senile
    – and the Blue Whale even can no longer …
    …and Prem – at his age …
    so – the rest of the Privy Council is already decrepit
    but, but… perhaps Suthep and his cohorts with whistles
    … and of course Abisith who had disappeared after the night of 10 April 2010 for a week and hid in Hua Hin at the Royal Palace …..

    and….and….ohhhhhhhhhh….that would be a reconciliation ….

  11. Roy Anderson says:

    The illegal military junta wants legitimacy for the crimes they committed in 2014.
    Thay have tried everything short of setting up concentration camps to hold all dissidents. A no vote might force the mad generals down that path.
    The new constitution might as well be written on rice paper for easier digestion.
    This is not a vote for Thais currently living in the country but also for their children and grand children.
    The military can only be defeated by people losing their fear and fighting back.
    IMPRISON THE MILITARY GENERALS AND THEIR COHORTS. Try them for treason and punish all those that conspired over years to overthrow a legitimate govt.

  12. bernd weber says:

    Nidhi Eoseewong: The Politics of the Referendum

    translated into English
    prachatai english 04.08.2016

  13. Gopal Krishna Kerishnan says:

    It appears as though it might take another 5generations to settle down this economic nose-dive. No religious or even political powers will be able to solve this fiasco. I’m not at all positive on the solving of this diseased nation.

  14. […] Meredith L. Weiss New Mandala 04 AUG, 2016 […]

  15. What’s the New Thailand likely to be called?
    North Korea-Thai?

    This will have a very bad ending attached to Thailand’s already lowest level of human rights in its modern history.

    How may Thai people will have to die before Thailand is free of all Royal tyranny?

  16. […] Meredith Weiss for New […]

  17. And as the day nears, Thailand’s suppression & oppression activities are multiplied a tenfold.

    One can only urge all Nations around the globe, to cancel all diplomatic ties with Thailand’s dictatorship absolute powers!

    Who dares first, and what Nations are chickens?

    We will see after that day.

    One, has been already decided, however; Australia’s Government is the world’s biggest chicken! Well, they too, are still sniffing their Queen’s fart.

  18. vichai n says:

    People power seems to be the only recourse when institutions had been completely suborned from rendering any meaningful checks to PM Najib’s shameless corruptive rule and in-your-face grand scale (in the multi-billions and counting) kleptomania.

    Or a coup anyone!

  19. Carl Cromwell says:

    Brought to you by modern secular military might.All this is invented tradition right wing mumbo jumbo

  20. Christine Gray says: