
  1. Peter Cohen says:

    Malays are not a recently invented group, simply because they are heterogeneous. If I said Hokkien Chinese were merely a “recenty invented group” that derive from the Xiamen region in Fujian Province (which is how many Mainland Chinese often perceive overseas Hokkien Chinese) , I am sure many Hokkien Chinese in Malaysia would rightly have me drawn and quartered. We are well aware of Malay and Indonesian religious history. The basics of that is old hat, and we are well aware that many contemporary customs are still very much Hindu-influenced (Bersanding ceremony). Yes, Arabization brought foreign and uncomfortable paradigms to Malaysia. If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, Malays dressing like Bedouin, studying conversational Levantine or Gulf Arabic, or joining extremist Islamic groups, is seen as a way to get the pre-Islamic “demons” out of the closet. Hinduism and Buddhism had been in the region 3X as long as Islam. Old habits die hard. I agree that when politics is used to make intracultural and intercultural judgments, it almost always leads to discord. When men were more want to listen, both the Tunku and Gerakan-founder Dr Syed Alatas, pounded home the importance of multiculturalism, tolerance, respect and national cohesiveness. Tunku did not do this for himself, but for Malaysia. What has become of his rational and reality-based vision for the nation is both a tragedy and a disgrace.

  2. June Cat says:

    Dear John Smith, I’m of Cantonese descent and I take exception to your high praise of the Hokkiens. The Cantonese too were savvy merchants and traders and would not lag behind the Hokkiens in any way, and besides we have superior cuisine.

    And as long as we are talking about Islam, it should be remembered that the form of Islam practised by many Malays is blended with many pagan rituals from the pre-Islamic days (and perhaps also from the days when Hinduism prevailed). Clive Kessler’s description of mambang and bomoh is spot on, because the modern Malay still believes that djins are all around and the practice of black magic is not uncommon, despite the best efforts of the Islamic authorities to discourage these “haram” beliefs. Take a random look at Malay films and many of them will be of vengeful ghosts and jilted lovers casting evil morbid spells. There must be an audience for these films, and I can tell you it is not the non-Malays – we have enough ghosts of our own, thank you.

    I think Clive Kessler has touched on an aspect of Malay-ness that is often overlooked in the rush to analyse their fears of the other ethnicities in Malaysia in simpler terms of either racism or economics. The other extreme of being in such a protected space is demonstrated in the growing group of Malays who believe that they were born to be the true heirs of the country, that they are untouchable, demagogues even, and that theirs is the greatest country in the world (no thanks to the Chinese, of course). It’s no coincidence that there is a term for this – “jaguh kampung” – literally, “village champion”.

    Thanks, Clive, I enjoyed reading your article.

  3. Dr Simulacrum says:

    Nice piece with lots of insights. I think ethno-psychopathology is very important but politics and power erect boundaries between us and them figured as friend or foe and this is where Islam comes in. Malays are a recently invented ethnic grouping and were Hindu and Buddhist before being Arabized by an alien colonial religion

  4. Frankie Leung says:

    Singapore pension fund is behind Temasek. Read some financial news.

  5. Alex says:

    Prayut is a coup maker and should be trialed for sedition and murder for 2010. End of story. Your ratings fantasies may come from the totally ridiculously biased opinion polls from NIDA, an ultra royalist University which former dean was ranting against yinluck evry evening in yellow shirts gathering under mafia boss Suthep.. the great majority of thai people are quietly hoping for changes…to come soon probably…

  6. John Smith says:

    Thailand is a US vassal state, but even if it wasn’t the global importance of America makes it relevant to this discussion. How can we put America and the ‘free world’ on a pedestal to be emulated by countries like Thailand when capitalism and our precious democracies are unraveling?

  7. Chris Beale says:

    Just ONE example of the Isaarn-Deep South link, which I – a pacifist – have LONG warned about :

  8. Chris Beale says:
  9. Chris Beale says:

    What Isaarn thinks of Prayut’s referendum :

  10. Frankie Leung says:

    We are discussing Thailand and not America-bashing. No one argues that the American way of democracy is the best in the world.

  11. There is nobody?

    All we need to do is wait until Thailand’s terror man, speak the God King bites the dust. Then you’ll see who’s there. Many.

    The one thing that must be said though, is that it will take a long time, speak 2 or 3 generations for the mass to accept the fact that all royal folk, ever since Bhumi took the first seat after he shot his brother, was nothing but a farce, a bunch of self-enriching, power hungry miserables, finding themselves in an advanced position to take advantage of the situation.

    That will need some time and serious “education”, speak; ‘allowing the people to dig out and study historical documents (in the event they still exist, somewhere).

    Nevertheless, do not worry. There are plenty of good educated Thai around. It’s just not time, yet, for them to make a move forward. Not yet.

  12. Falang says:

    Thai’s must learn that Democracy must be fought for .

  13. Chris Beale says:

    There are still a lot of ways this referendum could blow up in Prayut’s face. To name just a couple of Egs.: 1) does he now heed Phuea Thai’s request that all those imprisoned during the referendum process, now be released ?
    Some of these are very ill, including a brave ISAARN Khon Khaen protestor on hunger strike (shades of Worachat and Chamlong, May ’92). If these die imprisoned, they become martyr’s of a referendum in which ONLY ONE-THIRD of Thai voters affirmed Prayut’s division of power throughout his version of “Thailand”.
    And 2) then there is the question of PRAYUT’S OWN AMBITION. Very soon after the result there were moves to form a party to launch him as PM to win next year’s scheduled election – Prayut has very quickly back-tracked from THAT : Ooops – elation went to my head : showed my true hand far too early !!

  14. Yes, another “common” move, bringing in the “Shinawatra clan” and compare. So, that another fact justifies the “Thai Royal Army” to milk its country and folk, huh?

    What a poor, uneducated mindset.

    What difference is there between the 2 colours, what? Oh, yes, there is one, one very significant.

    Yellow is the colour of the KING, Yellow is the “righteous” power, as it bares the Army and the Police, and of course, the Royal family. Well then, just go back to the absolute monarchy then, at least it’s a God ruling then.

    Goodness me, something has gone seriously wrong in many and most educational camps, no matter where in the world.

    Never mind, people earn what they deserve, simply because of their own ignorance which they tend to hold onto so dearly, and sheep like behaviour.

  15. You must be US citizen.

    It is common for Yankees to compare themselves against other, negative or positive, doesn’t matter. WHy are you all so obsessed about yourselves?

    Why not – wow, you even call yourself a student of “Thai Social Culture” – why not commit yourself to the subject matter; “Thailand”, instead?

    I don’t get your point in dragging all these links into this. What good does it do for the Thai folk?

    Fact is, Thailand is being plundered, wealth and mind wise.
    Fact it, Thailand is being lied at by Royals, their mafia arms the Thai Army and Thai police.
    Fact is, Thailand is being suppressed and oppressed,
    Fact is, The Thai Mafia is committing dozens, hundreds and thousand human rights offences and their “Leadership”; Yellow, Red, Black, White, Gold, … whatever, all the way to include the Royal family and their clans, give a shit.
    Fact is, … want more? Go and study this, before dragging more US stuff onto the subject matter, again.

  16. ANd what’s the “world” gonna do after the real picture of this army thing shows through?


    Absolutely – Nothing. The Western Governments are all pussies and will suck it up, so they can continue with their own agendas and that is, making as much money out anything as they can.

    Look back in history. In then end, it was the (any) folk’s own people who took the matter in their own hand (apart from some Wild West Rages of the Yankees in different part of the world. But this has come to a slow run now anyway. And why would the US go to war with Thailand anyway, nothing to gain form this worthless turf.

    So it will be the people of Thailand themselves, who will show this royal pack the door. Time will come, and that not too far away.

    A YES vote was perhaps the best that could have happened to Thailand. Now, even the Yellow dumbest will get to realise what this Royal Pack is up and about for. Now the people of Thailand will learn.

    Then, and Only then, will be a chance for both sides unite and go after their wealth and mind plunderers.

    Then Thailand will get it’s chance. Only then.

  17. Robin says:

    Beg to disagree; but Gen. Prayuth seems to be riding high with ever rising approval ratings. The tough talking general evidently gets things done in a hurry.

    What will the Shinwatra clan do if Yinglucl gets assessed with a Bht 280 billion plus bill for the rice pledge scheme losses? Children of Thaksin are also being implicated in a massive tax evasion scheme that landed abetting tax and finance officials in jail.

  18. As a Thai resident and student of Thai social culture, I feel the author places far too much faith in a Western political invention, democracy.
    Thailand is a developing country and no country has ever developed under democracy for reasons that are obvious to those who live in them: progressive change is almost impossible. Indeed, it could be said that our form of democracy was invented by an elite precisely to prevent change: it is a tool of conservatism.
    Besides, the USA completely abandoned all but the veneer of democracy, voting, long ago. For those who didn’t notice, look at the evidence:
    13% of Americans say the government can be trusted to do what is right always or most of the time. CNN Poll: Trust in government at all-time low.
    New Evidence on How Money Shapes America’s Elections.
    90 percent of Americans lack confidence in the country’s political system. From the Associated Press–NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.
    Jimmy Carter: U.S. Is an ‘Oligarchy With Unlimited Political Bribery.
    Mass-based interest groups and average citizens have little or no independent influence on political decisions. The US has loudly trumpeted itself as a democracy for generations when it was and is a brutal oligarchy. See “Testing Theories of American Politics,” by Martin Gilens and Benjamin I. Page in Perspectives on Politics, The American Political Science Association September 2014.

  19. Chris L says:

    Who is the real owner of Temasek Holdings? I have heard about this before, but never seen any evidence.

  20. Sam Deedes says:

    This is one very good reason why it is incumbent on progressive forces in Thailand to make more of an effort to get the story out.