
  1. Ivan the terrible says:

    Hi Terry,
    You forgot that Pangdam Jakarta Raya in 1998 was under Pangdam Jaya Mayjen TNI Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin.Wiranto has his clique like Prabowo Subianto,Pangdam Jaya Mayjen TNI Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin and Kiki Syahnakri.

    Jenderal Kiki Syahnakri who was in Papua later East Timor 1999 which later transcended into something big .This year he called for a demonstration against reconciliation for the 1965 massacre. Prabowo too was in Papua when he was in Kopassus.

    Everyone who was promoted to Pangdam Jakarta Raya under Soeharto has the opportunity to become Menhankam (Minister of Defence and Security.

  2. vichai n says:

    Go go Najib! Nobody in this world could stop you now! Keep on doing what you are doing – why not go for $30 billion or $60 billion and break the world set by the late Suharto of Indonesia!

  3. sonny says:

    So, let me get this straight. If the U.S. has committed war crimes (which it has, throughout its history), that means that various other evil empires, including enemies of the U.S., are innocent? Or that they don’t matter? There is no humanity in your comment, no human solidarity, which should transcend all borders. If you want numbers, credible number exist. If you want history, serious history exists. Where do you stand on the issue of mass killings in places other than what the U.S. did? Stalin’s and Mao’s mass killings, for example, and Hitler, and the Khmer Rouge? The Pakistan military’s killing’s in East Pakistan/Bangladesh (with which the U.S. government of Nixon/Kissinger colluded)? The mass killings by Serb nationalists in Bosnia, Croatia, and Kosova? They don’t matter? For shame.

  4. Chris Beale says:

    General Prem is DEFINITELY up to something. The last time I saw body language like this, Thaksin was on his way out.
    “Are you up to it Prayut” ? Yes comes Prayut’s sheepish reply. Maestro Prem may have given up public singing, as he says – but he still writes the tunes. And long may he continue to do so. The best outcome for Thailand – and our region.

  5. Chris Beale says:

    Congratulations to NM and Alana for this excellent, informative piece. We hear far too little about Brunei. All that I know about Brunei is that its Sultan is one of the world’s richest, owns large parts of the most prestigious London real estate, its almost exclusively oil-based economy provides cradle-to-the-grace welfare for the overwhelmingly religious locals, if they work hard. And a bit more. Would like to know more.

  6. PS says:

    Alana’s insights from living in-country along with her excellent research have made this analysis fascinating. Rather than generalise, she has found the optimism and positivity in situations others might overlook.

  7. HH says:

    Fantastic and well-researched article! Author gives a well-balanced analysis of the unique political and social environment of Brunei, without ignoring its realities or promoting a specific narrative. Ethnocentricism is quite difficult to avoid in writing about different cultures–well done.

  8. Frankie Leung says:

    The Middle East situation is different because of radicalization of religion. I am not sure how the Muslim sectors of Thailand contribute to the current situational crisis.

  9. Neptunian says:

    Please tell me ONE place where Islamic “rebellion” was amicably resolved? Middle east?
    Unless the world start looking at islamic “15th century” violent mindset for what it is, instead of bleeding hearts rose tinted, small “l” liberals eyes, we will have continuing mindless death and destruction.

  10. R. N. England says:

    What we have is a low-level war between Thais and Malays whose territory the Thais have occupied for the last 100 years. The continued conflict is a tribute to the stupidity of the occupiers. A victory for the Malays might be just the thing to shatter the Thais’ ill-founded respect for their own military, and liberate them from its stupid and loathsome domination.

  11. Matthew Kosuta says:

    May I offer my own vacuous statement: “terrorism cannot be solved by peaceful negotiations, the only answer is a military solution”.

    Whether one agrees or disagrees with the goal and/or the means used to achieve that goal, negotiations taking place after terrorist activity has occurred cannot be “peaceful” negotiations because any negotiations that take place are done so under current terrorist activity and/or the threat of terrorist activity. It is also possible that the “terrorized” state is responding militarily. Even negotiations undertaken before any outbreak of physical violence usually unfold under threat of violence should the negotiations breakdown.

  12. Neptunian says:

    Well, the writer certainly knows which side his/her bread is (halal) buttered on. That’s all I can say.
    On the other hand, can’t resist noting that the Royal family is exempt from the Hudud laws announced. Within the palace walls, serious debauchery goes on.

  13. Shane Tarr says:

    Vichai is at it again but at least he is a likable rascal but not sure I would say the same for Godfree Roberts! Where does he get his 80 percentage figure from? Godfree is making completely unsubstantiated claims with not one credible shred of evidence! Perhaps he should turn to the “Gods” and see what numbers they can come up. If decent let me know and I will put a few million baht on the next underground lottery.

  14. Frankie Leung says:

    I was told by an expatriate American living in Bangkok that he would be best advised not to talk Thai politics in the country.

  15. Chris Beale says:

    Jim T may well be right the Shinawatra’s can now never come back. But THAT makes an anti-Prayut coup increasingly likely. His services can now be dispensed with – an especial necessity as he’s getting ideas and ambitions beyond his station.

  16. The “most radical element” is the “Royal Element”.
    Get educated!
    Want me to send you some “facts”, I mean, Real (royal suppressed, and thus, censored Facts, not available on the “Free” market?

    You folk have some issues. ANd the issue is: You all surrendered your brain to your emperor.

  17. Brainwashed (yellow) “royal”?

  18. Who cares?

    C’mon. Sex business will continue in Thailand even if there is civil war. The rest? Flashy images of the “Amazing Thailand” will continue to be sold to “naive” travellers by travel agencies.

    Money money money

  19. Chris Beale says:

    Well said Josh – and very true. The only hope now Thailand unraveling and slipping into civil war, is that another, very strong, Prem-backed military faction overthrows Prayut- SOON. An Anand-style appointed PM could then be installed, who would bring the necessary reforms to kick-start the economy, and genuinely re-unite the country. This new Constitution actually gives Prem every means to do the above, including get rid of over-ambitious Prayut, while still managing a difficult a difficult Royal succession. Still fit, healthy, mentally very alert, and as usual extremely politically astute : NEVER under-estimate General Prem, who every single soldier will obey. Political genius at its’ greatest.

  20. tuck says:

    I vaguely remember one suicide Red Shirt bomber who blew himself up and the apartment building at Nonthaburi in Y2010; although authorities concluded the ‘suicide’ element was probably not deliberate but by idiotic mistake