
  1. Chasiu says:

    when you answer sometime you need to know more the detail about Thailand, if you tried to pretend that you know Thai. If you don’t know please don’t write, otherwise, I will know that you know nothing.

  2. Neptunian says:

    “Keras” is hard. Kasar is coarse. – Your Google needs updating!

  3. Chasiu says:

    wait. only RACE or RELIGION problem is southern problem related to MALAY MUSLIM. sorry my typo.

  4. Chasiu says:

    If Malaysia is not Muslim country. There is no problem related to whatever RACE. This is the most important point that Malay cannot handle this. The current situation is peaceful because your RACISM policy that try to help native Malays(which mainly poor compare to Chinese). However one day if the Malaysians economics is dead. The Chinese will be the first scapegoats that will be hanged like what happened in Jakarta 1997. It is not what you want to hide but the TRUTH that divides Chinese is not RACE but it is Muslim, RELIGION.

  5. Chasiu says:

    Thailand problem has never related to RACE or RELIGION. This is what the point I want to say here. even 40 years ago. Please read more. what happen in 1969 in Malaysia instead.

  6. Chasiu says:

    Could you have a reference for war with Isaan people? If you mean redshirt. I think you need to do more homework. LOL… The coup is really about Thaksin and the monarchy. Seems you dont know anything. Waste of my time.

  7. Chris Beale says:

    How is it that Cohen – who thinks he knows so much -could make the error of saying America occupied the Philippines for 200 years, when in fact it was 50 ??! FYI Peter, SPAIN occupied the Phils for 500 years. You know a lot about Malaysia. But re. the Phils you are obviously “an armchair dilletante”.

  8. Your sense of what the kingdom of Thailand has been doing “for centuries” is based in the purest of pure ignorance. The Thai tendency has most often been to simply welcome foreigners and put them to whatever use seems most beneficial to themselves.

    You seem to believe that all assimilation can only ever be “forced”. You are simply mistaken. There isn’t much else to say.

    You also want to somehow conflate political conflicts which correlate somewhat to ethnic difference with the kind of ugly racism that countries like Malaysia and Indonesia have indulged in the recent past. Again, you are mistaken.

    But coming from a vasty plain of historical ignorance as you most surely are, a little error now and again is only to be expected.

  9. Chasiu says:

    Yep keep shooting innocents and want autonomy. Noone in Thailand force them to eat pork. Similary to noone in Thailand force Hindi to eat beef. No one bother other about their religion except. Malay muslims in deep south of Thailand. This is a trouble. If you track back more than Pattani Kingdom 400 years, It is buddist kingdom. So what is your claim to kill innocents? I dont want to eat pork, then I have to kill innocents? nice arguments.. haha muslims always muslims

  10. Fei Tai Hua says:

    Very interesting analysis by Chasiu which is nothing more than just a piece of chasiu. The Kingdom of Siam has for centuries been forcing assimilation down the throats of others, whereas Muslims in Malaysia co-exist with the Chinese and Indians for many decades without going to war. There is a lot of tension in Malaysia, no doubt, but the differences are mostly handled through peaceful means. Last time I checked, Bangkok has launched one war after another with the Isaan people and the Malays in the south, not to mention the civil unrest in Bangkok that escalated into military conflicts. How many military coups did it take for the Thai state to compel others to submit to its authority? And how many lives have been lost along the way? By the way, does Chasiu know what happened in Bangkok exactly 40 years ago today? Still wanna lecture others on peace?

  11. Ken Ward says:

    Mr Graham’s account of AR Baswedan, Anies Baswedan’s grandfather, is a little overdone.

    He was deputy minister for information in Indonesia’s first cabinet, when the prime minister was Sutan Sjahrir. It was Sjahrir’s cabinet, not Soekarno’s. Baswedan was a prominent leader of Masjumi in Yogyakarta, but not a national figure. He was never a minister.

    Anybody doing research on Muslim politics during Baswedan’s lifetime would not have thought of travelling to Yogyakarta just to interview him but, if one was already there, there were surely some things to learn from him.

    Of Arab descent and able to speak Arabic, Baswedan played a role in winning Egyptian recognition of the Indonesian Republic. Rather than being a ‘revolutionary hero’, Baswedan was one of thousands of participants in Indonesia’s national awakening.

    None of the above is, of course, to the discredit of the late AR Baswedan.

  12. Zack says:

    So what do you want the Malay Muslim south to do? It is part of their religion and culture not to eat pork, consume alcohol and allow prostitution. They are being denied for their right to speak their mother tongue. These people used to be from a different kingdom but due to some sort of colonial arrangement, they become part of Siam until now. The best way is to grant them autonomy.

  13. hugh cameron says:

    Very good post by RN England.

    When I was a corporate trainer in China I spent much time explaining Western culture and values so they could get a better understanding of how to do business in an international corporate setting. I raised some eyebrows when I explained that in most western settings the law is above everyone, whereas in the Eastern value system the family is the most powerful force. We have seen in Thailand a good example where Prayut has rewarded his brother’s wife and family with extra goodies.

  14. Chasiu says:

    The problem of racism in Malay or Indonesia is not about Chinese – Malay ethics. It is all about every races and Malay. or more specific. every race or every religion vs Muslim. This problem occurs every where in the world. Europe ( Christian), India( Hindu), Thailand( Buddism ), US( whatever ). The problem is the Muslims and not adjust themselves to the world.However they try to force or coerce others to accept their religion. It is not Malay Goverment false nor any historical things. It is Muslim problem.

  15. James Bean says:

    @PeterCohen, oops! Quite right, thanks.

  16. A. Thinker says:

    What a way to spend your life…..hating something you have no understanding of, or any knowledge of the cause. Nothing better or more rewarding and useful to do? Very sad, and on track for an unhappy life!

  17. Peter Cohen says:

    TEOCHEW not “Taochew”…

  18. James Bean says:

    Thai-Thai? This is getting absurd. You are winding yourself up in knots trying to evade the fact that (a) “Thai” is one of several nations or peoples within the modern state that is Thailand; (b) The Thai state is unable to admit that there are other nations because the powers that be are sprung on an outmoded nation-building (or nation-destroying) modality; and (c) Taochew, and other ethnic-Chinese groups in Thailand, traded in their separate ethnic status for expediency. The fact that a people or ‘nation’ with a shared sense of history, kinship, language, and other cultural attributes once existed, or combined, and/or changed in some way, is really only just saying that they are human – our history is full of such occurrences.

  19. R. N. England says:

    “Government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth” is the strongest expression of populism that I can think of. There is something wrong with Paul Kenny’s notion of populism if it is going to lump Abraham Lincoln with Rodrigo Duterte.

    Here is a suggestion for clearing up the difficulty. When the people are more inclined to obey workable universal rules than powerful individuals, and can elect representatives to set those rules into law, populism works well. That is small-“r” republicanism or democracy. When the people care little about rules, or throw them away and pledge absolute loyalty to an individual (usually a demagogue), that is patronage, dictatorship, or feudalism. When the people submit only to the demagogue’s heir, that is hereditary monarchy (which has the advantage of avoiding civil war each time the leadership changes). Wherever the people put obedience to an individual before obedience to rules, populism gives them no defence against the likes of Duterte, Marcos, Thanom, Thaksin at his worst, or the half-dead Bhumibol’s armed courtiers.

  20. Chasiu says:

    Another thing I want to say here is there is no THAI THAI. Thailand is mixed with many ethics Northern part of Thailand used to be other kingdom ( Lanna Kingdom ). Northeast are Lanchang Kingdom. Also Middle part are Ayutthaya, Chinese, Mon, Khmer people. Southern part is Lavo kingdom and Pattani Kingdom. These people have different facial features. It is very easy to distinguish which part of Thailand that they are from. It will be hard for me to tell the real meaning of who is Thai Thai.