
  1. Chris Beale says:

    It will be very interesting to see whether Christopher Pynes sacks that stupid staffer.

  2. Sam Deedes says:

    Can the case of the ‘budgie smugglers” (love it!) be made chapter one of the training manual used by any sporting organization with half a brain to prepare its representatives for visits abroad?

  3. Frankie Leung says:

    Chinese in countries where they immigrated and sank root should participate in their respective communities besides being financially successful.

  4. Chris Beale says:

    Well said Fei Tai Hua. This is why I raise objections to Peter Cohen’s biblical apocalyptic anti-Malaysia hysterical ravings – eg. his “Malaysia is finished”. No it’s not. And to me it seems largely a success story.

  5. James Bean says:

    75 responses. I would be so proud if I provoked such a debate. Well done!

  6. Fei Tai Hua says:

    Cold War or not, it gives the current generation of Thai Chinese a glimpse into the cruel reality of how their forefathers were made to feel inferior to the “Thai Thai”. So historical records are not relevant to the modern era? This is as good as saying all the official documentation on the brutal and bloody elimination of the native American and aboriginal communities in the US and Down Under is nothing more than piles of worthless papers 🙂

  7. I’m not sure how you think a document from the Cold War that looks at the actions of Thailand’s on-again off-again military/authoritarian government can possibly enlighten anyone to the present reality of Sino-Thai culture and society in Thailand or how things have been for the “centuries” that you so pointlessly mention above.

    Enjoy your ignorance! I hear it’s bliss.

  8. Fei Tai Hua says:

    Read this to enlighten your good self:

    If being compelled to close down their own schools by a dictatorial government is not considered ‘forced’, I don’t know what is. Perhaps native Americans and aborigines too willingly assimilated themselves as modern Americans and Australians?

  9. hugh cameron says:

    No Thailand isn’t Chris, good point. In fact the only world leader who has ever won a war on drugs was Pol Pot, even then the victory was overthrown by the Vietnamese invasion and shortlived.

  10. Shane Tarr says:

    Good one Chris…but you are wrong on one thing: Bia Hoi in Vietnam, specifically Hanoi, is better and cheaper than draft beer in Cambodia.

  11. Peter Cohen says:

    I should add India and Indonesia also have long ties.

  12. Peter Cohen says:

    India has long ties with Vietnam due to ideological reasons and Malaysia and Singapore with its prominent Indian population. One thing India must avoid is corruption in its dealings with Malaysia, in particular, which is already a totally-corrupted nation. Using local Indian-Malaysians as middlemen will not endear India to all Malaysians, corrupt or the few locals that aren’t.

  13. Fei Tai Hua says:

    Chasiu has got so worked up that he or she can no longer think rationally.

    When the Bangkok ruling elites send Buddhist teachers to the south to influence the Malay kids, when Thai soldiers mercilessly kill the Malay youth, you cannot blame the Malays for the uprising. Remember Tak Bai? And the violence continues. It takes two to tango, no?

    Chasiu may want the whole world to think Thailand is a success story in terms of assimilation whereas Malaysia is a failed multiracial country. The fact is it is Thailand that is considered far more dangerous according to the latest Global Peace Index at 125, while Malaysia is far more peaceful with virtually no threat of a civil war at 30. Even Indonesia, at 42, is waymore politically stable than Thailand!!!

    Check it out:

    Moreover, many Thai Chinese and Malays in the south send their children to Penang or other states in Malaysia for Chinese or Malay education. What does it tell you?

  14. Frankie Leung says:

    separation of church and state. Live in harmony. Respect for each other.

  15. Peter Cohen says:

    In addition, Kratom and Cannabis consumption is rampant in southern Thailand. Hallucinogens are forbidden in Islam (supposedly).

  16. Chris Beale says:

    Proof of the pudding is in the eating. Is Thailand now MORE drug-free, thanks to Thaksin being Duterte’s anti-drugs prototype ??

  17. Chasiu says:

    Fei Tai Hua for trouble in Bangkok. The red shirt leader, yellow shirt leader, ,government officers, King, Queen, Judges, main Police officers, main politicians from both sides are all Chinese descents. It is nothing to do with races. Arhh… PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE study more before you started to say I want to lecture other people. Also please read Malaysian Histories too, seems you don’t know anything about Malays neither. Your many comments that bring me here to answer since there are so incorrect until I cannot handle to see people who don’t know anything try to act cool and think he knows about Thai.

  18. Chasiu says:

    It is not about Chinese nor Thai nor Indian. It is about Malay muslim. You don’t even have to analyze Thailand and historical policies. Just check Lao, Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippine and see whether they have race problem with Chinese immigrants. Then check Malay and Indonesia and see do they have a problem with Religion and race? It is obvious! Thai government is not clever(obviously stupid) or know how to manage to the problem than other countries. The problem is Malay and Muslim.

  19. Chasiu says:

    I just wonder do you have a TV or the internet before you posted this. Your comments are very inaccurate. I don’t know do you even google before you posted any comments. Thailand is not only Buddhism. Even Muslims from the rest of the country ( except deep southern part ) can assimilate with Thai culture. Only problem in Thailand that cannot adjust themselves is Malay and Muslim in Pattani , Yala, Narathiwat ( deep south ) of Thailand which majority are Malay ethic. Nothing about Chinese nothing about Indian, nothing about Religion but when you combine Malay PLUS Muslim. This is a problem

  20. Chasiu says:

    It doesn’t matter the languages, Zack. You see Chinese Americans such an example. Many american Chinese don’t even understand English but they still feel they are Americans. Chinese is everywhere in the world. They can easily assimilate to the rest of the world ( go to check some Polynesian remote islands or small African countries and check if there are Chinese populations), trust me EVERYWHERE. But not Malay? why? Simple answer it is not the Chinese who cannot adjust. It is Malays.