
  1. Chris Beale says:

    As expected Prem is now staging his coup against the Crown Prince. I.e. The HEIGHT of Lese Majeste. So does the CP fight for what is legally his ?

  2. Thai Woman says:

    Well written of Thai King came from Hindu epic. I want to write about it but I’m a bad writer. Thank you for summarized this to show the world. Hopefully Thai people would know the truth.

  3. Shane Tarr says:

    Roy I think you should leave this for Dr Jones to decide….one minor factual quibble: the CP flies a B737 not a B747. The latter is a jumbo: the former is not!

  4. Dominic Yusoff says:

    Also due to the fact that the major sponsors of “Islamic” terrorists i.e Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States have business interests in Myanmar and have much to gain in the opening of opportunities.

  5. Baz says:

    Thank you Nicholas for a succinct and fair article on this momentous event in Thailand. I would like to comment further but I live in this Country. Enough said.

  6. Roy Morien says:

    I strongly suggest that Dr Jones not come to Thailand for a holiday or any other event. His future would not be guaranteed.

  7. Peter Cohen says:

    Wonderful hatchet job on the now-deceased King and a commentary of no worth.

  8. Sam Deedes says:

    Two questions.

    1) The CP got on the plane at Munich showing off his tattoos. Did he get off at Bangkok in the same attire?

    2) Does “Baramee” include owning up to past crimes, even accidental ones?

  9. The “diminishment” of the antidemocratic forces’ arsenal can only be a good thing for democracy in Thailand if some pro-democratic forces can be found to augment the few dozen kids in the NDM and those segments of the Reds that prefer democracy to Shinogarchy and its unending negotiations with whoever might help them maintain power.

    The endless (and generally groundless) speculation about what goes on in the labyrinthine corridors of the “ultra-royalists” will no doubt continue to substitute for political analysis until that simple lack is acknowledged and taken into account in discussions of Thai politics in the near future.

    And, pace all those who consider elections to be an adequate substitute for liberal democracy, but it’s hard to mourn the continual deferral of elections when there is absolutely no party or individual likely to take part that has even minimal liberal democratic credentials.

  10. hugh cameron says:

    Its getting to be a bit like Brexit, the Thais do not seem to have a plan after only 70 years to think about it, however it is confirmed no alcohol for 30 days, unless no one is looking and then alcohol is OK, pragmatism on a daily basis will be the rule.

  11. Peter Hayford says:

    Concerning @10:22 “Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha has indicated that Crown Prince Vajiralongkorn has decided not to be crowned King until a period of appropriate mourning with the public has passed.”– this is not quite correct.

    Vajiralongkorn was never expected to be crowned until after the funeral, which will not be for a year at least. This is convention both in Thailand and in monarchies general– Bhumibol ascended to the throne in 1946 but was not crowned until 1950, after Ananda’s funeral. He was, however, expected to be proclaimed King by an extraordinary session of Parliament (if one can call it that) immediately after his father’s death. Indeed, the session had been called– for formally unspecified reasons– an hour or so before the King’s death was officially announced. But when the appointed hour came and the NLA convened, the only thing they did was to hold a nine-minute silence before adjourning, leaving everyone scratching their heads until Prayuth made his announcement, and that didn’t really help, either.

    Mourning should not, in theory, get in the way of his accession. Perhaps someone can correct me here, but it seemed that working principle, as it is elsewhere, was supposed to have been “the King is dead, long live the King”. Prayuth’s first statement on “the heir named on 28 December 1972” was in this vein, although it struck me as an awfully roundabout way to refer to Vajiralongkorn. This is unusual, although whether it signifies anything larger remains to be seen.

  12. concerned farang says:

    hoping the military will decline in power over the Thai people

  13. Chris Beale says:

    I think the border controls – between the Lao PDR, and Isaarn, are collapsing. It is similar to the collapse between West Germany and East Germany. The Siamese are the SAME FAMILY.

  14. Peter Hayford says:

    Well, it’s been interrupted. Things have very quickly gone off-script.

  15. Chris Beale says:

    IsaarnExit gets ever closer.

  16. Procopius says:

    King Bhumiphol designated his son as Crown Prince AND Heir Apparent decades ago, and renewed the command a few years ago, sorry don’t remember the exact year. It’s confusing, because he ALSO designated Princess Sirindhorn as Crown Princess, but under the Palace Law of 1926 and the current King’s decree, there is no doubt the Crown Prince will accede to the throne. I admit the prospect does nothing to calm my fears.

  17. Fenton Berbage says:

    Whilst I believe everyone is entitled to their opinions. Our veiws and perceptions of Thai society ,come from living most of our lives in a very different way of life to that of Thailand. For this part I think some who think they understand and make these huge statements on here might find themselves greatly offending others. My wife is Thai , and whilst I have travelled large portions of Thailand and got to know many Thai people you really have to have lived it for your whole life to understand this culture . I have been with my wife for 15 years and still learning. I like their dedication and beliefs. I think we should all celebrate and respect other cultures . Instead of blindly forging ahead to change everyone to this western view of our so called democracy that is also very far from perfect in any way. Well thats my 2 cents worth.

  18. Joshua Goldberg says:

    *Without* interruption

  19. Procopius says:

    No, this is not an opportune time. That’s why the junta conducted their coup when they did, so that they would be in place when this event happened. It was discreetly remarked on at the time, but it’s dangerous to talk about. It’s going to depend a lot on the youth, both university and vocational students, but it’s going to shake out in the Palace and military headquarters first. My guess is Prem is going to be gone next week. That’s will be the first thing to watch for. He may die soon anyway. I suspect one thing that has kept him going this long was his determination to serve his King. Although, who knows? He’s 96 but still seems vigorous in his TV appearances.

  20. hugh cameron says:

    I came North Chris, to Lanna territory, will we secede also? Hope so and Scotland also seceding,it will be a busy year