
  1. Chris Beale says:

    Hugh Cameron – you mean NO lao khao in Isaarn, for 12 months ??!! Isaarn will DEFINITELY SECEDE !!! Within a 12 weeks !!!!

  2. Joshua Goldberg says:

    You’re wrong. The Crown Prince’s succession is endorsed by the military and will proceed with interruption.

  3. hugh cameron says:

    Early indications are there may be no alcohol for the mourning period (12 months), not yet confirmed

  4. hrk says:

    I fully agree. Let’s see what the next announcement will bring

  5. Ralph Kramden says:

    Understandably, there’s much speculation about and that’s reflected in the post. It was some 4 years after getting the throne that the recently deceased king had a coronation. So I’d think that’s one bit of speculation that can be put aside.

  6. hugh cameron says:

    I just wonder how much you have factored into the equation HRK how ruthless, erratic and unpredictable Vajiralongkorn really is in real life.
    Furthermore the Thai way has been to stage coup after coup after coup to protect his father who became a de facto absolute monarch.
    As Bob Dylan sang ” Times are a changing, the answer my friend is blowing in the wind” we are in uncharted territory and anyone that knows what will happen next is an absolute genius

  7. Chris Beale says:

    Rupert. Murdoch’s The South China Morning Post has today confirmed yesterday’s breaking story by the UK ‘s Daily Mail that yes indeed : Thailand’s hugely revered, much loved King Bumiphol, has indeed sadly passed away. I take my hat off to him, and bow down with the greatest of respect. The greatest Thai / Siamese King since the greatest Chulalongkorn.

  8. Sam Deedes says:

    Even more if you need a beer with your food

  9. hrk says:

    Just received the news that the king has died. Now we shall see

  10. hrk says:

    It would be rather difficult not to follow the royal law of succession, and the installation of the crownprince by the king in 1972. However, there is always the possibility of abdication for example due to health reasons. But, how important are such speculations? They are certainly highly relevant for the elite and the different factions. These will certainly quarrel about their positions, and without the king an important factor for social cohesion is missing, which can not be replaced rapidly. Hiwever, will these affect the people, the administration and business? In difference to AMM I doubt it. The elite will take utmost care to maintain a solid facade to not endanger there position. Thus, the direct effects will be quite limited.

  11. Falang says:

    Thailand’s King Bhumibol Adulyadej, Country’s Longest-Reigning Monarch Dies at 88 – Palace Statement

    Read more:

  12. hrk says:

    October is important because it is the month of military reshuffle and promotions. The current government took good care in this to promote those on whom the can rely.

  13. vichai n says:

    On January 13, 2006, then Thai PM Thaksin Shinawatra announced that government officials were involved in Somchai’s abduction and killing: “The DSI [Ministry of Justice’s Department of Special Investigation] is working on this case and murder charges are being considered. I know Somchai is dead, circumstantial evidence indicated that … and there were more than four government officials implicated by the investigation.”

    This case could never be closed until fugitive Thaksin S. publishes what he truly knows about the disappearance of prominent Thai Muslim lawyer and human rights activist Somchai Neelapaichit.

  14. Chris Beale says:

    One day there WILL be a more just Siam.

  15. Chris Beale says:

    “That Prem and Vajiralongkorn hate each other so much, they are arranging to have the other killed”. Well IF this is true, both must be praying for better results than when some of Thailand’s most professional assassins FAILED to kill Sondhi Limthongkhul, former manager of Manager magazine. There are ridiculous conspiracy theories circulating.

  16. Foi says:

    I do have issues with religious laws. Could we not mandate all Sharia judges are Female? Why are all Prophets (In Islam) Male?
    I contend Bumiputra Policies are inherently wrong – Laws perpetrated exclusively by men are wrong.
    A male centric belief system VS a Secular belief system – The secular one has no hope of dominating.

  17. Falang says:

    Issue with the statement that the Crown Prince rushed back from an overseas jaunt .

    Reality is, he is an expat residing in Germany .

  18. Falang says:

    On 12 October 2016, Angkhana Neelapaijit, a commissioner of National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), posted on her Facebook account that she received a letter from the Department of Special Investigation (DSI).

    The letter informs her that the DSI decided to end the investigation on the enforced disappearance of Somchai Neelapaijit, a renowned human rights lawyer and Angkana’s husband.

    According to the letter Angkana posted, the authorities decided to close the case because they cannot find any culprit.

    There is no justice in Thailand .

    Unsolved cases may go cold but should never be closed sans a result .

  19. robert says:

    Nick, I hope you and Andrew keep up the great work!

  20. A Thai says:

    Of course we cannot be certain what will happen. I do not worship people, I respect some, more than others.

    Does Thailand need a Monarchy?

    Is the level of indoctrination so pervasive that “Thais” must carry on this dynasty?

    Can we become a republic? Is this an opportune time? Could “Thais” be convinced of the transition to a republic?.

    What happens to the staggering wealth invested (By Thai People) in the Monarchy – some estimates 20 Billion US Dollars. Do we allow the current “successor” to the Throne retain all this wealth?

    Not all Thais are dumb and we do debate (amongst each other) these and other issues.

    You have seen (but never quantified) an incredible rise in “awareness” amongst our youth – recent happenings included ! – “They” know and are concerned enough to flaunt global opinion in stifling debate.