
  1. Postingan yang sangat bermanfaat, maju terus new mandala

  2. Kangkung says:

    Some fighters of liberal ideas in Indonesia brave enough to hold on autonomy on their anatomy and show off their gentalia in public despite public condemnation and police arrests.

  3. Mark Woodward says:

    There is no reason to expect that relief efforts will reach the most vulnerable people, especially ethnic and religious minorities. Minorities including the Rohingya and other Muslims and Christians in the Northwest have long been at risk of persecution, if not actually experiencing it.

    I’ve been on the Nagaland (India)/Burma border twice in the last year — once with one foot in Nagaland and the other in Burma. The Burma government clearly cares little about the welfare of Naga people. The paved road stops at the border. From that point there is nothing but a foot path leading into Burma. Konyak Naga people on the India side carry on a clandestine trade with those on the Burma side with whom they have religious, ethnic and kinship ties but are not able to offer them much assistance — other than (literally) preaching from the mountain tops through loud speakers to offer some measure of comfort.


    Me myself had established a national mosque youth movement during the 70’s in Bandung. A non partisan muslim youth organization outside of the existing polarized Muhammadiyah – N.U. patron, as a reaction to the anti Islam pressure from the Soeharto’s government. Named BKPMI, ( or Indonesian Assembly of Mosque Youth), the “back to mosque” movement was quickly spreading all over the archipelago. Without the aid of any rich patron nor internet technology, it gained popularity among millions of muslim youth. The internet was not used at those time.

  5. Fajar Nindyo says:

    Democracy level in Indonesia decrease after issuing of UU ITE

  6. Barbara Leigh says:

    A most insightful series of reflections based on in-depth research into celebrity culture – where the political and the theatrical morph into each other. Writ large – Duterte and Trump personify this trend. Agency by either members of an audience or by attendees at political rallies. Understandable. Disturbing!!