
  1. Peter Cohen says:

    Any contemplation of an indictment of Ahok will put the nail in the coffin of Civil Law in Indonesia. It will be a triumph for Indonesian Muslim extremists, fascists, anti-Chinese bigots and will be the final test that Indonesia has failed as a tolerant multicultural society. The Islamic Parties and organizations are selfish, cynical and deranged forces. They do not care about Indonesia, but some stupid caliphate that will never take place. Some of these extremists join ISIS or Jema’ah Islamiyah as Jihadists. What plan does any of the Islamic Parties have for the economy, education, public health, women’s rights (stoning), international relations, intra-national relations with other cultures and faiths ? They have nothing. Jokowi has shown personal probity for years; not even Prabowo can prove Jokowi is corrupt. It is not enough. Jokowi must get behind Ahok and state in no uncertain terms, the future of Indonesia rests on tolerance. If Muslims can utter the name of Jesus (Isa) and Moses (Musa), two Jews by birth, then a Christian Indonesian of ANY ethnicity can quote any Sura he/she pleases, and Muslim Indonesians better damn well be proud that they can, instead of calling for their head. If this is the tenor of Islam in Indonesia, then Indonesia needs a new opera.

  2. Chris Beale says:

    It would be very, very interesting to know if the Crown Prince’s return to Germany – for URGENT BUSINESS – INCLUDED CONTACTING Thaksin.

  3. Chris Beale says:

    Michael Wilson you post such cretinous ignorance about Thailand. Eg. “no one from the middles classes has died in a protest since the 1970’s”. Oh yeh – what about May ’92 ? What about prominent human rights lawyers – eg. re. the Deep South, re. environmental issues throughout Thailand, re. labour issues, re. corruption, etc.

  4. Chris Beale says:

    Who do they send it to ? Regent Prem, or the Crown Prince ? Or to both ?

  5. scudo says:

    Trump is definitely Suthep. Mostly false claim, half true. And definitely inflame people hatred for their own advantage.

    If Trump become president , we might see another Hitler.

  6. Chris Beale says:

    Michael Wilson – get you historical facts straight : fascism has HISTORICALLY been DIVERSE. Go back and read BASIC history – or are you nothing more than an ignorant propagandist.

  7. Chris Beale says:

    Excellent article – except for the concluding paragraph. Widodo simply cancelled his Oz trip to make sure of security at home. It many not have turned out as peaceful, constitutional, and democratic as it has. There was nothing anti-Australia in his cancellation. I think you should retract that last, offensive paragraph.

  8. Falang says:

    Thai military teaches staff how to hack computers

    According to the schedule, there are seven courses from basic to intermediate levels. The staff will be lectured on basic hacking skills, cyber security, operating systems, advertising skills, communication arts, laws related to cyber crimes and other topics.

  9. Falang says:

    Thailand’s military government will submit a constitution for royal endorsement on Tuesday (Nov 8), Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha said, a step that should pave the way for a general election in 2017.

  10. Falang says:

    Thailand’s military has deployed soldiers to seek cooperation from all rice mills nationwide, requesting them to buy grains from farmers at a reasonable price in an effort to prevent the plunge of rice prices on the market.

  11. Ricky says:

    I was looking to see if there is any analysis of the motivation about the so far three week long forced mourning of the people? The place is so depressing with black everywhere and I shudder to think what this is doing to the mental health of the downtrodden masses.
    Also I wonder if the brainwashing blitz is a recognition in royalist circles that maybe 60 years of heavy indoctrination has failed?
    Is there no New Mandela social scientist able to enlighten the darkness ?

  12. rawd says:

    Donald Trump had just recently tweeted his condolences to the family of Thaksin Shinawatra who died suddenly.

  13. Hugh:

    Would Thailand be welcomed with “arms wide open” just like Sisi’s Egypt has been welcomed with arms and other rewards for the slaughter of protesters in Cairo?

    When you wrap your arms around Saudi Arabia do you feel all good inside?

    And surely the hugs and kisses exchanged between you and the genocidal Israelis must just warm the hearts of Palestinians everywhere.

    Are these the models you propose for Thailand? Because they surely are right in the center of the 21st century you celebrate.

  14. hugh cameron says:

    If Thailand has a complicated culture, as some posters are asserting, is it not time they uncomplicated it and joined the rest of us in the 21st century? WE would welcome them with arms wide open

    It is consistently overlooked in Thailand, but not in other countries, that the elitists draw their salaries from the poor. Wake up Thailand. It is high time someone knocked on Khun Sek’s door and asked him to justify his large salary, writing letters to New Mandela certainly is counterproductive to the interests of Thailand. Hopefully the day will arrive, during our time, that the elitists of Thailand finally answer to the people that fund them, ie the public!

  15. So, Jim, you are suggesting that the clear examples of corruption, nepotism, repression of media and general undermining of the “independent bodies” mandated or strengthened by the 97 constitution that are laid out in Baker and Phasuk and McCargo and Ukrist are lies? Or propaganda that came from soon-to-be Yellow sources as part of a vast right-wing conspiracy to bring down Thaksin, who was in fact a liberal and democratic leader?

    I mention those names again, not because they are the only part of the elephant I’ve rubbed up against but because they are clear in their presentation and therefore offer you the opportunity to be clear in your claim that they are somehow distorting reality in the service, consciously or not, of royalist propagandists.

    I feel quite sure that my “informants” over the years are drawn from a far wider base than yours, Jim. You seem to think that being employed at a university makes your biased presentation somehow more valid.

    It really doesn’t.

    Most of the people I’ve met who teach at Chula have the political sophistication of a lot of the young folks I’ve taught here, without the charm of being somewhat naive in their rightwing conformism.

  16. It should be mentioned in articles like this that the west’s “lectures” on “good governance, human rights, and corruption” are performances of a hypocrisy so staggeringly obvious that one is tempted to diagnose some kind of mental illness on the part of the folks in the Obama administration (aka “the west”).

    Who, besides the addled consumers who are putting Wall Street and WalMart back into the Oval Office to guide the US military in its ongoing offensive against brown folks and calling it “progressive”, can possibly believe that the American and EU embrace of the mass murderer Sisi, the corrupt terror-exporters of Saudi Arabia, and the genocidal Israelis are the policy choices of a coalition dedicated to “good governance, human rights, and corruption”?

    But that Duterte, he is a badass. And Najib? Corrupt. And the junta in Thailand made sandwich-eating a crime!

    Would these folks be more acceptable to the “pivoters” if they were to emulate America’s real friends?

  17. Chris L says:

    Bangkok Pundit wrote about the War on Drugs already in 2007. It’s nothing new that the numbers have been exaggerated.

    As far as I know it’s Phuea Thai’s position that the 1997 constitution should be reinstated, and I believe Thaksin is still associated with that party.

  18. Yes, realpolitik against old and declining alliances. From Containing China to containing the US… Domino theory reversed.

  19. Peter Cohen says:

    The riots in Indonesia are pure unadulterated racism and bigotry. Muslims are jealous of Chinese success, and that has been the case in Indonesia for 60 years. This is not new. FBI and other radical groups are brainwashed Arabized Indonesians who think they can convert Indonesia into a caliphate which they cannot. This is a bogus display of Muslim machismo and nothing more. Of course, Indonesia has problems, it always has, but one thing it does not have is a corrupt President. Jokowi has failed many ventures, but he has kept to his principles of personal propriety and his appointment of Ahok was wise and justified. It is not Jokowi’s fault that too many Indonesians remain immature. Cries of blasphemy are silly, Ahok was quoting in context a Quranic refrain that every Imam quotes on Khutbah Juma’ah. It is in the Quran. One would think Muslims would be impressed and honored that Ahok knows the Quran. But no, it must be a sign from Allah that Ahok is some Dajjal or imposter. When the late Gus Dur quoted from the Scriptures, I do not recall such an outcry, but then I doubt anyone understood what he was saying. Indonesians seem to be well on the road to proving that their nation, the last global test case in moderation, may well be on the road to perdition, and Civil Law and liberties are indeed incompatible with Islam……any Islam.

  20. Ohn says:

    Essentially Burmese relation with China has been based never in the history on mutual respect but on apprehension and exploitativeness precluding a mutually beneficial and warm relation with Aung San Suu Kyi seemingly paradoxically acting as Than Shwe’s emissary.

    What Burma needs is equal and even footed genuinely beneficial relation not nay with China but with all especially with neighbours.