
Perspectives on the Past

UNESCO heritage-lists Indonesian wooden boat building

Maritime historian Jeffrey Mellefont on why UNESCO has recognised the cultural significance of South Sulawesi boat-building.

Five reasons why I don’t always like art galleries

A personally-confronting reflection on why, sometimes, art galleries don’t seem to work for the author.

Passion + Procession: Art of the Philippines

A mini-review of the Art Gallery of New South Wales' recent exhibition of Philippine art.

To infinity and beyond: the Singapore History Gallery (review)

A review of the refurbished Singapore History Gallery at the National Museum of Singapore.

The race to save up to 50 shipwrecks from looters in Southeast Asia

How should we respond when heritage is damaged or destroyed?

Java’s Muslim Warrior Queen

This article explores the life and career of one of Java's great premodern leaders: the 16th-century queen of Jepara.

The padewakang: Puzzling together the past

A team of expert Makassan boat-builders constructs a padewakang


Indonesian contemporary dance meets politics, sustainability and gender

‘Ghosts and Spectres – Shadows of History’ at the NTU Centre for Contemporary Art: A Review/Memory

A personal account of the author's visit to this exhibition, foregrounding both her construction of state narratives and the curatorial staging of narratives in the gallery.

Phaptawan Suwannakudt’s ‘Retold-Untold Stories’

On gender, art and Southeast Asia

EuroSEAS@Oxford, here we come!

PoP goes to EuroSEAS to present on ritual in Southeast Asia

The ending of The Art of Charlie Chan Hock Chye… and what it says about history-telling

An embodied response to Sonny Liew's graphic novel and what it reveals about history-telling.

The power of cloth: Melinda Piesse’s Batavia Tapestry

An artist revisits the Batavia tragedy

Setting the Record Crooked

Conspiracy theories about the past reveal important obstacles and opportunities for history education in Indonesia.

An American in Singapore: Devin Smith on the story of Lim Bo Seng

A personal account of an American musician and videographer grappling with the historical biography of Singapore's Lim Bo Seng.

Heritage, Memories & Kinship: Reflections On Qing Ming Festival

Graves told stories of geographical, familial ties, folklore and culture, and spanned the realms of the sacred and profane.

Through the Looking-Glass: Indonesian Reflections on Australian History

"An encounter between Australian Indonesianists and Indonesian Australianists offers fruitful avenues for both countries

Museums, masterpieces and morals

Are museums friends or foes when it comes to protecting antiquities?

Ghost ships: why are World War II naval wrecks vanishing in Indonesia?

Allied warships being stolen from Southeast Asian waters

The Sensual Art of Nyonya Cuisine

Food as heritage: The origins of peranakan cuisine

Pramoedya’s Message to the Youth of Indonesia

Indonesia's most important writer tells the youth to take control of the nation's future.

Treasure Island meets Lord of the Flies: rediscovering the Batavia shipwreck

Visiting the site of Australia's most famous shipwreck