

COVID-19 and a new social contract for education in the Philippines

The pandemic did not trigger educational access issues for those living in urban poor communities; it just made them worse.

Human rights in the age of Southeast Asian extractivism

Analysing the development of Filipino, Thai and Indonesian laws and policies for the achievement of the human right to a healthy environment.

COVID-19, palakasan and the culture of clientelism in the Philippines

Palakasan is a “negative” social practice that distorted the allocation of the SAP and other aid which local politicians had control over.

Misinformation & government inaction fuel vaccine hesitancy in the Philippines

95% of hundreds of thousands of internally displaced people in resettlement sites built after Typhoon Haiyan in 2013 are not vaccinated.

NBSEAS: In Search of New Social Democracy: Insights from the South—Implications for the North

In this episode of the Nordic Asia Podcast Kenneth Bo Nielsen is joined by Olle Törnquist to discuss the main results and arguments in what he calls his endbook.

COVID-19 and food insecurity in Metro Manila: a slow moving disaster

Residents were consulted and active in food distribution activities run by non-governmental organisations, but not consulted in relation to government-run activities.

The sick man of Asia: COVID-19 lockdowns and cyclical expansion of healthcare inequalities

This public health problem demands a radically different solution.

Protests and Pandemics: Civil Society Mobilisation in Thailand and the Philippines

...creating spaces for civil society should be integral to post-pandemic recovery and reconstruction plans.

Resilience and young M’ranao evacuees at times of pandemic

If stories of shock are transferred to younger generations, so is the narrative of resilience that their elders pass down.

Down, but not out: political violence in the Southern Philippines from 2016-2020

Fluctuations in incident and casualty data belie claims the end of Philippines’ insurgencies is near.

From disinformation to democratic innovations: amplifying ordinary citizens’ voices

How do ordinary Filipinos make sense of their experiences of disinformation during elections?

Digital witness and human rights: the Nuezca case

In advocacy that makes use of digital evidence, there are more ordinary citizens, including in places that are harder to reach, who are enabled to participate in the production and dissemination of evidence.

Community pantries as everyday socialism

Aside from critiquing state inefficiency, I think community pantries are telling us something more ideological.

The value of post-conflict inclusion of youth

How do young people contribute to addressing injustices and advancing agendas of peace? 

Remembering the “progressive” Philippine Church

The Church should recall its long tradition of fighting for the oppressed and caring for the poor and marginalized, and act in the same spirit towards the current regime

A Murderous Plague in the Philippines

As the COVID-19 pandemic intersects with Duterte’s murderous plague, Filipinos are faced with clear lessons that can be brought to bear in the next election.

Duterte’s Tight Grip over Local Politicians: Can It Endure?

If Duterte has failed to deliver, why do so many local politicians remain beholden to him?

Student activism in Philippine Catholic Universities: A brief history

Students and universities have had an active role in social organization and social change throughout the history of the Philippines.

Encouraging abuse: foreign terrorist designations of the CPP/NPA

International terrorist designations are fuel for Duterte's war on communist organisations.

Big Ed and Rose: Reality TV representing a different kind of foreign bride

Recent narratives shift racist stereotypes of gold-digging mail-order brides.

Filipino students use “padungog-dungog” to resist educational inequality

Many Filipino students don't have computers or internet access for online learning during COVID-19. On "subaltern social media strategies" for demanding equitable access.

Mayors are keeping the Philippines afloat as Duterte’s COVID-19 response flails

In the Philippines, local governments are stepping up to cover gaps in national public health and welfare infrastructure.

Heightened contradictions: Duterte and local autonomy in the era of COVID-19

The President's handling of the Social Amelioration Program in the regions seems to betray an intention to consolidate centralised power.

Ambág and Bayanihan: The Communal Values of Philippine Populism

...grounding democracy in ambág and bayanihan can help heal the polarized political landscape in the Philippines.