

Rethinking self-censorship in Southeast Asia’s media landscape

By intentionally devising concealment strategies that maintain the core messages...research participants demonstrate their commitment to continue producing critical information while avoiding punishment.

Effective third-sector actors in aid on the Thailand-Myanmar border

Myanmar CSOs have experience providing aid in the border areas and social capital with the war on community.

New Books on SE Asia: Jane Ferguson’s “Repossessing Shanland…”

Literati and politicians have constructed a virtual Shan state that lives on in popular media, rock music, and Buddhist ritual.

With ASEAN snub, Myanmar junta signals return to Cold War isolationism

Military officials have vowed to “learn to walk with only a few friends”, and weather international isolation and economic sanctions.

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ထိုးစစ်များအတွင်း အစုလိုက်အပြုံလိုက် သတ်ဖြတ်ခြင်းများအပါအဝင် လက်နက်မဲ့ အရပ်သားများကို ပစ်မှတ်ထားသတ်ဖြတ်ခြင်းနှင့် ထိခိုက်ဒဏ်ရာရစေခြင်းများကို ကျွန်ုပ်တို့ ရှုတ်ချသည်။

Joint statement: One year after the military coup in Myanmar

We deplore the targeted killing and maiming of unarmed civilians, including via massacres during recent military offensives launched in many parts of the country.

Countering climate collapse: the Spring Revolution must centre indigenous voices

In the midst of the Spring Revolution, new opportunities arise for climate justice.

Dispossession, deforestation and deceit in Myanmar

Past attempts to attain palm oil self-sufficiency resulted in widespread extortion and the theft of lands from local communities around the country.

The Centrality of the Civil Disobedience Movement in Myanmar’s Post-Coup Era

Humanitarian work without the recognition of the CDM will provoke public distrust and rejection.

On business, research and garment workers in Myanmar: Interview with Sara Tödt

"...I see great value in capturing women’s stories in a rich and encompassing way."

Traumatic Pasts in Asia: The editors’ account

These case studies analyse both the psychological and communal effects of violence and natural disasters and how communities attempt to overcome their effects.

Profile: Hunter Marston on shifting from Buddhist philosophy to politics in Myanmar

"I saw for the first time that Buddhist philosophy was connected to daily struggles and politics at a very fundamental level."

Vale Dr Ni Win Zaw, Head, Department of Library and Information Studies, University of Yangon

Dr Ni Win Zaw’s vision and commitment to development of education will take considerable time to replace.

Politics first, economy second: a review of the 2021 Myanmar Economic Update

Throughout the update, the importance of targeting any sanctions imposed by the international community was also emphasised.

Citizens or foreigners? A socio-legal perspective on persecution of Rohingyas

The NUG needs to develop clear vision for a more equal and inclusive Myanmar.

The election, the pandemic, and the coup: insights from the 2021 Myanmar Update

The health response has been repeatedly undermined and hampered by the authoritarian tendencies of coup leaders.

EAOs & China: Two Letters from Northern Myanmar to the CCP

On their 100th anniversary the CCP received two congratulatory messages from Ethnic Armed organizations (EAOs) in northern Myanmar are noteworthy

Reflections on the 2021 Myanmar Update in troubled times

...with COVID-19, and a coup, predicting the course of Myanmar’s future may best be put in the hands of the astrologers.

Myanmar: An International Orphan

When an orphan’s extended family fails lamentably, fortunately there is an alternative: turning to your friends. Civil society groups in Southeast Asia increasingly see the combat for Myanmar’s democracy as their own.

A View from the Borderlands: An Interview with Lieutenant Colonel Tar Parn La

On the current political landscape in Myanmar.

Protest Art – AnuPyinNyar

Since the start of the coup, Ku Kue's art has featured front and centre in many protests around the country.

Myanmar Update 2021: Twin crises – COVID-19 and the coup

While it appears that the military has not changed much over the last decade, the country and its people certainly have.

New friends, old enemies: Politics of Ethnic Armed Organisations after the Myanmar Coup

Has the coup has brought these groups closer together or deepened disunity, and reduced the likelihood of the formation of the federal army?

In limbo: Migrant workers struggle with the Myanmar coup and COVID-19

As their travel documents expire Myanmar migrants risk becoming undocumented and excluded from legal protections by shortcomings in both Myanmar and Thai migration policies.