Racism and bigotry are crutches or shields for the journey towards European type progress for the Malays, and ultimately Malay dignity.
The inexorable pursuit of an Islamic State
The aim of most Malaysians is not to turn this country into another repressive state that claims to rule with a mandate from God.
Dominant parties in decline
Bridget Welsh provides an interesting analysis on why two of the world's longest serving ruling regimes are in decline.
In the shadow of strongmen
Southeast Asia shows us that there are two paths to democratisation – one of big bang change with reforms and another of simply muddling through.
Najib the Delayer
Is Najib Razak, Prime Minister of Malaysia, pursuing the military strategy of Roman dictator Fabius Maximus, who was known as Fabius the Delayer?
Marks of a good Malaysian leader
Tun Dr Ismail has been dead for 40 years but his legacy of inclusion and moderation, and honest and honourable leadership, is unforgettable and can yet inspire new generations of Malaysians from both sides of the political divide.
Women voters: courted – yes, respected – no?
Women are a focal point in Malaysian politics today, with some recent discussion of their ability as voters to decide election outcomes. But this has not translated into their increased representation at a political level.