Anwar Ibrahim

Flipping the SCRIPT: Anwar seeks to repair his nation in postnormal times

The opposition leader's new book is a pitch to lead Malaysians as they set out together to repair their social fabric.

National harmony: race, politics and campaigning in Malaysia

A new report analyses debates around social cohesion and a failed proposal for a National Harmony Commission in Malaysia in light of Pakatan Harapan's collapse

Alternative Visions for Malaysia requires combating political clientelism

Ross Tapsell reviews a new book on Malaysian politics ahead of the ANU Malaysia Update 2020 “Alternative Visions for Malaysia”.

A politics of redemption in fractious times

How much change, beyond Najib's ousting, does a Mahathir-led coalition represent? Or does an emboldened, victorious Najib mean political rebirths are redundant?

The dark and treacherous road to Putrajaya

The "Kajang Move" undermines the essence of democracy and Malaysia's transition to a genuine two-party system, argues Azmil Tayeb.

KL112 and a new Malaysian identity?

In facilitating KL112, Pakatan Rakyat have created new myths that would solidify its presence in the memories or 'imagery' of Malaysians positively.