

A first pass at the GE13 results

The results are now in, with the Barisan Nasional government eking out its narrowest ever parliamentary victory of 133 seats to Pakatan Rakyat’s 89.

Analysing Malaysia’s GE13

The final video in New Mandala's coverage of Malaysia's 13th General Election sees Ross Tapsell and Greg Lopez discussing the result

One extra woman in Malaysia’s parliament

Dahlia Martin analyses the performance of women candidates in GE13

What about Bersih?

An important area for analysis is to understand the impact of Bersih on GE13.

New Mandala’s GE13 wrap up

Greg Lopez and Ross Tapsell from the ANU College of Asia & the Pacific sum up where we're up to with Malaysia's General Election.

Barisan National back in 2013: Expert

Malaysia’s ruling coalition will return to power, according to an expert from the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific

More of the same, but death of the status quo

Does the ruling coalition's likely victory mean that Malaysian politics is set for more of the same? Perhaps not.

Election Commission in the spotlight

Anwar Ibrahim again placed the Election Commission in the spotlight on Twitter earlier this evening after announcing victory prematurely.

The crucial role of Parti Islam Se-Malaysia

The Islamic party Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) could play a critical role in final outcome of this Sunday’s election, according to Tony Milner

The social media election

GE13 has been dubbed as the 'social media election'. Ross Tapsell takes a look at a few election related Youtube clips.

Malaysia’s political mood

Ed Aspinall and Ross Tapsell discuss the mood of voters on the ground in Malaysia.

A complicated picture

Political scientist Professor Edward Aspinall from the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific has just returned from a whirlwind two-week tour of every state in Malaysia.

The seamy side of GE13

The worst thing about the election is not just how much of a head start one coalition has over the other, but what this means for the system as a whole.


Before the 2013 poll there has been a strong feeling among Chinese voters that the election is fundamentally unfair

Votes and hopes

Josh Neoh, a Malaysian-born academic now based at ANU, argues the 2013 election is not "a foregone conclusion"

Rumble in the jungle

Tonight’s Malaysian general election is a battle royale between two behemoth coalitions

Islam at GE13

The main Islamic-related issues that are currently at the center of electoral discourse are: “Hudud”, the “Allah” controversy, and “Islamic Unity.”

Women’s vote in Malaysia

Women voters, in the majority, but under-represented.

Issues to watch in GE13

Ross Tapsell and Greg Lopez of ANU College of Asia and the Pacific set the scene for tonight's coverage of the Malaysia General Election.

Vote buying hard to swallow

Ruling party Barisan Nasional tries to sweeten the deal by offering voters free food, parcels and other goods, writes Penang local Gaik Cheng Khoo.

Election without democracy?

This election matters, but we need to remain sober about the nature of electoral democracy in Malaysia.

How Malaysia’s electoral system works

How does Malaysia's parliament work? How many seats are up for grabs in the election? What are the main parties?

Malaysia has changed irrevocably

For most Malaysians, the country has changed irrevocably and a people that once identified by race is now united.

Pakatan will not win

With only the urban Malay middle class having attained self-confidence enough to heed Pakatan’s call, UMNO will claim three-quarters of the community’s vote.