

Overstating Islamic extremism – a response

A short comment on the use of surveys and the interpretations of the results in the "Extremism in the name of Islam and Malaysian Muslims" article.

Far reaching implications….

It’s only a matter of time before someone takes the cue from Malaysia and starts raising objections to non-Muslims using the word Allah.

Gentle reminder – thou shall not think

Malaysian students on Government of Malaysia scholarship advised not to attend Mr. Anwar Ibrahim's talk. It may cause their grades to deteriorate.

The beginning of something ugly

Has the Kalimah Allah issue signalled the point of no return for Malaysia as a moderate Muslim nation?

UMNO and Nazi Germany

Is Ahmad Zahid Hamidi to UMNO, what Carl Schmitt was to the Nazis? Rueban Balasubramaniam is concerned with the parallels.

Chin Peng and cleavages in Malaysian society

Chin Peng is being lauded and remembered as a symbol of opposition to UMNO privilege and corruption

A new paradigm of Muslim politics

Malaysia's Islamist party faces tough choices as they elect the new second echelon leadership with the GE13 electoral results still fresh in their minds.

Chin Peng, an obituary

Anthony Reid reflects on the life of Chin Peng, the enigmatic leader of Malaysia's oldest political party.

MASSA 2013 – second call for papers

Malaysia and Singapore Society in Australia Colloquium 2013 -- extended deadline for abstracts.

Haris Ibrahim and the growing Malaysian diaspora

Will the Abbot government reverse the decision to deny Haris Ibrahim a visa to Australia?

Cancellation of Haris Ibrahim’s seminar

Haris Ibrahim's seminar on 1 October 2013 at the ANU cancelled.

Tongue wagging and not machete wielding

What and/or who really is/are the source of all conflicts in Malaysia? What are the main factors fueling conflicts in Malaysia?

Haris Ibrahim denied visa by Australia

Why did the Abbott government deny a Malaysian civil society activist a visa to travel to Australia?

Extremism in the name of Islam and Malaysian Muslims

Is UMNO fueling violent tendencies among Malaysian Muslims?

Ties that bind: Sarawak and Adelaide

A practical case of Australia in the Asian Century. How will the University of Adelaide manage this conundrum?

Realistic Utopia and a reply to Angry Grey Man

The role of Jurist Malaya Initiative is to open the space for truly public intellectual work.

Opposing authoritarianism in Malaysia

Meet one of Malaysia's most prominent social activist at the Australian National University.

18th MASSA Symposium

The 18th Malaysia and Singapore Society of Australia symposium discussing GE13 and more will be held at the University of Sydney in Dec 2013.

East Malaysia: primus inter pares

Has the leadership of Sabah and Sarawak failed its people?

Hanyut: Almayer’s Folly

Meet U-Wei Shaari -- one of Malaysia's most talented movie directors -- in Canberra, and watch his movie free.

The Aussie media on Malaysia: Compromised representation or manicured distortion?

Coverage of Malaysia in the Australian media is of poor quality argues AB Shamsul.

Jurist Malaya Initiative

The Jurist Malaya Initiative (“JMI”) produces cutting edge knowledge resources to overcome the Malaysian legal-juridical and constitutional failure.

Us versus them – Othering in the Malaysian elections and beyond (Part 2)

Analysing the process of 'Othering' in Malaysia, between Muslims and non-Muslims, and citizens and non-citizens.

Us versus them – Othering in the Malaysian elections and beyond (Part 1)

Analysing the process of 'Othering' in Malaysia, between Muslims and non-Muslims, and citizens and non-citizens.