
East Timor

Time to draw the line

Why Australia must meet Timor-Leste halfway over their disputed sea border.

Time running out for Timor-Leste

Will UN conciliation end the Timor Sea dispute?

‘What a piece of work is a man!’

Timor-Leste's fierce independence fighter and long-time leader, Xanana Gusmao, at 70.

Muzzling Timor’s media

Freedom of the press is under threat with case against local reporter.

Spectre of the past

Tortured Timor still bears wounds 40 years after Indonesia’s invasion.

Civilization at what cost?

Marking 500 years of Portuguese presence in East Timor.

Independence and interventions

Australia’s 1999 mission to East Timor and lessons for today.

The changing face of Xanana Gusmao

It's time to re-examine the myth surrounding the Xanana Gusmao, write Angie Bexley and Maj Nygaard-Christensen.

The Lost Leadership of Timor Leste

Xanana Gusm├гo’s ongoing reign continues to undercut a generation of young leaders