

A statement on the South China Sea ruling

Indonesia foreign policy experts call for respect and restraint.

ASEAN’s South China Sea ulcer

South China Sea a health risk and needs to be confronted sooner rather than later.

To rule over the waves

South China Sea award is a legal and moral victory for the Philippines. But the battle is only half won.

Hanoi’s hopes rise with China’s dashed nine-dash line

Why Vietnam is the big winner in the South China Sea ruling.

Major powers behaving badly

The South China Sea ruling is a test to global order. Will Beijing pass?

Judgement day won’t bring the end of times

South China Sea ruling between Philippines and China can lead to diplomatic solutions.

Vietnamese fishermen versus China

Tensions in troubled waters see more and more attacks.

Jakarta left all at sea by island clash with China

What the South China Sea reveals about Indonesia's foreign policy.

Ritualism and the erosion of human rights

States in the Asia-Pacific increasingly pay lip service to protections they sign up to.

Spy planes and Singapore

Sino-US tensions increase amid Poseidon spy plane deployment in Singapore.

Consumption and control in Beijing

New freedoms and old controls in China.

Sea folly and US-China relations

Provocative patrols no way to turn the tide in contested South China Sea.

People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy sailors. Photo: Wikimedia commons

Challenging China and preserving order

Beijing’s moves in the South China Sea need to be met with an assertive ‘costs imposing’ strategy.

China and the vote

Like a dour brylcreemed uncle, Beijing will be warning Naypyitaw about all this change-y, hope-y stuff come 8 November.

A tribute to Nicholas Tapp

Jean Michaud reflects on the life of a prolific intellectual standing at the forefront of his field.

Wave of rhetoric on South China Sea sets dangerous tone

US and Australia must work with ASEAN on China's contentious island building.

The high price of Chinese hydropower

Lack of governance leads to costly social and environmental impacts.

War in ASEAN’s troubled waters

Hunter Marston argues that conflict in the highly contested South China Sea can be avoided.

Tale of tea takes out major international prize

New Mandala contributor Jinghong Zhang recognised for study on rise and fall of puer tea.

Kokang 2015: Unknown unknowns

Eisel Mazard reflects on the limited global appetite for understanding obscure wars in distant places

China and Myanmar’s reforms

Trevor Wilson, former Australian Ambassador to Myanmar, examines the important relationship with China at this time of flux and uncertainty

Fieldwork in upland Asia

In this extract, Associate Professor Sarah Turner from McGill University in Canada introduces a new book about doing research in socialist Asia