

The future of the EU-ASEAN relationship

Carlo Filippini on the key differences between ASEAN and the EU and the relationship's trajectory.

Washington’s pivot to Southeast Asia

Why the US needs to strengthen its economic ties with Southeast Asia.

ASEAN deconstructs

A multilateral mess that threatens the region's security.

Ritualism and the erosion of human rights

States in the Asia-Pacific increasingly pay lip service to protections they sign up to.

Self-interest and the spectre of Beijing at Sunnylands

US-ASEAN summit shows that a new Cold War mindset is descending on Asia.

Recognising restrictive regimes

US-ASEAN Summit sends bad signal for rights across the region, writes Caitlin McCaffrie.

Democratic contraction in Southeast Asia

Bridget Welsh surveys the rise of a worrying trend in the region.

An ASEAN devoid of its community

Human rights is being left out of the ASEAN narrative.

ASEAN adjusts to a new democratic phenomenon

Why the region should welcome Aung San Suu Kyi and Myanmar's new government.

ASEAN’s community moving in circles

Regional organisation continues to stumble in its quest for further integration.

No longer the odd man out. Myanmar President Thein Sein (third from right) with Southeast Asian leaders at the 24th ASEAN summit. Photo by AFP.

ASEAN and the vote

The regional organisation has little say but much to gain with Myanmar’s elections Sunday.

Sea folly and US-China relations

Provocative patrols no way to turn the tide in contested South China Sea.

People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy sailors. Photo: Wikimedia commons

Challenging China and preserving order

Beijing’s moves in the South China Sea need to be met with an assertive ‘costs imposing’ strategy.

Wave of rhetoric on South China Sea sets dangerous tone

US and Australia must work with ASEAN on China's contentious island building.

ASEAN can learn from Europe’s refugee crisis

Refugee crises must be met by the power and spirit of regionalism.

War in ASEAN’s troubled waters

Hunter Marston argues that conflict in the highly contested South China Sea can be avoided.

Regional responses to Rohingya exclusion

ASEAN misses an opportunity to show leadership, suggests Nicholas Farrelly.

A crop of poppies collected in the Golden Triangle. Drug trafficking represents a major cross-border challenge for many states. Photo from Wikimedia commons.

Governing borderless threats

Lee Jones and Shahar Hameiri ask how can the region and the world can better respond to new security issues

Going it alone

Is Indonesia about to ditch ASEAN?

The changing face of humanitarianism

Could new regional players help solve crises like the Rohingya?

Rohingya crisis: nothing from nothing

Friday's summit in Bangkok achieved little. It also shows that states that can’t help others, can’t help themselves.

Indonesia and the Rohingya: de-legitimising democracy?

How the Asian migrant crisis is putting democratic credentials to the test.

A missing boat and a missing voice

How the Rohingya have been cast adrift by all and sundry.