

Why Indonesia’s electoral system needs reform

Lawmakers have an opportunity to work with experts in civil society and academia to make politics less dependent on financial sponsors.

Jokowinomics gambles with Indonesia’s democratisation

Jokowi's controversial new cabinet aims to secure buy-in from elites for large-scale economic reform. Will the wager pay off?

The role of social media companies in shaping political discourse in Indonesia

Social media companies have more control than the government of Indonesia in limiting the freedom of expression of its citizens. To what extent will they control the political discourse in Indonesia?

What was that election for again?

The make-up of Joko Widodo’s second-term cabinet confirms worrying trends.

Development under Jokowi leaves human rights behind

Jokowi's priorities for his second term revolve around human resources development, but not human rights.

Increasing inroads and growing anger in West Papua

The Indonesian military and divisions within the separatist movement are hurdles to a solution.

Indonesia’s pro-democracy protests cut across deep political cleavages

Bipartisanship and problems of representation in Indonesian politics.

Mapping the 1965-66 killings in Java

Infographics reveal new details about the anti-communist violence.

Moving the capital: a future in Kalimantan?

The impact of relocating Indonesia’s capital on local and environmental politics.

Jokowi-Prabowo political reconciliation as Javanese strategy

The underpinning politics between Jokowi and Prabowo reveals a deeper complexity within the Indonesian election.

The poor know they’re poor: the roles of shame and stigma in the everyday lives of people in poverty

Poverty reduction efforts in Indonesia need to also tackle issues of shame and social exclusion.

‘Green Islam’: Islamic environmentalism in Indonesia

Indonesia promises a future of Quran-inspired sustainability and renewables but is constrained by fossil fuel interests in government.

Cultivating consent: challenges and opportunities in the West Papuan palm oil sector

The need for consent from indigenous landowners in Indonesia's West Papua oil palm developments.

The Neo-JI threat: Jema’ah Islamiyah’s resurgence in Indonesia follows an old playbook

Indonesia should not be lulled by Neo-JI’s seemingly peaceful development.

Mental health care in Indonesia: short on supply, short on demand

If he’s serious about building Indonesia’s “human capital”, Jokowi should make mental health a policy priority.

The post-election challenges for Indonesia’s feminist movement

Progress for pro-women policy requires being honest about the social and political barriers activists face.

Out of sight, out of mind? Political accountability and Indonesia’s new capital plan

What happens when civil society, the media, and policymakers are based in different cities?

How Jokowi spends money better in a second term

Indonesia needs evidence-based policy, not policy-based evidence.

From stagnation to regression? Indonesian democracy after twenty years

The 2019 ANU Indonesia Update conference takes stock of Indonesian democracy.

Voting out the landlords in Flores

Economic change is eroding the political power of traditional custodians of land in this part of Eastern Indonesia.

NU after the elections: more nationalism, less democracy?

Jokowi owes his victory to NU support, and NU expects both material and ideological dividends.

Follow the leader: personalities, policy and partisanship in Indonesia

New survey data show how strongly partisanship effects Indonesians’ policy preferences.

Millenia of maritime mastery: Philip Bowring’s ‘Empire of the Winds’

Though Austronesians operated in networks of oceanic trading that stretched from Asia to the Mediterranean for thousands of years, both the term and cultural grouping are little known.

Q&A: Thomas Lembong on Indonesia’s economy

The reformist chairman of Indonesia's Investment Coordination Board (BKPM) spoke to ANU's Hall Hill for New Mandala.