
The ending of The Art of Charlie Chan Hock Chye… and what it says about history-telling

An embodied response to Sonny Liew's graphic novel and what it reveals about history-telling.

Can the NLD claim the high ground?

Greater democratisation will probably occur in spite of, not because of, Aung San Suu Kyi's leadership.

Election impressions from Timor-Leste

An annotated photo essay on what makes Timorese election campaigning distinctive.

Women and power in Timor’s elections

Quotas guarantee high levels of female representation in parliament. But patronage, and thus political power, remains decidedly in male hands.

The power of cloth: Melinda Piesse’s Batavia Tapestry

An artist revisits the Batavia tragedy

Is pork barrel politics emerging in Myanmar?

MP's Constituency Development Funds are criticised for promoting clientelism. But we should take a more nuanced view of their role in Myanmar's new politics.

Jokowi forges a tool of repression

Indonesia's parliament has approved Jokowi's decree on mass organisations. Here's why the law threatens the freedoms of all Indonesians.

Gendered rumours and Muslim scapegoats in Myanmar

Rumours about Myanmar’s Muslims are seen to contain an element of “truth” because they project blame for decades of suffering under military rule.

Thailand’s triple threat

Nicholas Farrelly's new Lowy Institute paper explores the tensions beneath the surface of Thailand's military–monarchy 'survival pact'.

Winning the peace in Marawi

Extremism filled the credibility vacuum left by the Phillippine state in Marawi. Here’s what Manila can do to build a peace based on trust.

Performing Heritage (or, Making Temples Great Again)

Java's temples are sites for the performance of power, prestige and celebrity

Setting the Record Crooked

Conspiracy theories about the past reveal important obstacles and opportunities for history education in Indonesia.