
Women entrepreneurs in Halmahera: quiet contributors

Within a male-dominated social structure, they face challenges running their businesses, but persist in spite of marginalising geographical, economic and cultural conditions.

Can Indonesia clean up political pollution along the Citarum River?

River pollution is not only a result of overwhelming waste, but a problem of resource capture across all levels of governance.

Bridging historical archives and earthquake hazard studies in Indonesia

Historical records complement studies of seismic hazard and are an important standalone tool for the study of earthquake hazards.

The other side of Indonesian women workers

Increased factory profits is the priority, and workers’ rights to rest, set hours and clear tasks are not protected.

Agent Orange in Vietnam: lingering pain and injustice

In the absence of legal justice, future reconciliation on this issue will need to focus on reparative justice.

Probing the dilemma of the young people in Timor-Leste

It is time for the development process to change modus operandi from “planning for the youth” to “planning with the youth”

Watch now: The inaugural Tony and Yohanni Johns lecture by Greg Fealy

On-the-ground studies find enormous variety and behaviour that often confound the conventional categorisations of religious type.

The Kanjuruhan catastrophe: A mirror of Indonesia’s tumultuous football politics

Commercialisation and politicisation of football establishes a pseudo-modern football with corrupt mismanagement.

Surabaya’s transwomen fighting COVID-19

Despite giving up on the legislative situation that discriminates against them, Surabaya transwomen fight against it by engaging actively in public activity.

Asian Art Research Now: Postgraduate workshop

Supportive critique and cross-pollination across institutional boundaries, as well as those of geography and temporality.

Common enemy: a hollow slogan for solidarity in Myanmar to divide power between the NUG and the ethnic states, and protect sub-minorities within minority states?

Forum on strengthening primary health care in Indonesia: Lessons from COVID-19

This discussion brings together experts from the USA, Australia and Indonesia.