It is time for the development process to change modus operandi from “planning for the youth” to “planning with the youth”
It is time for the development process to change modus operandi from “planning for the youth” to “planning with the youth”
On-the-ground studies find enormous variety and behaviour that often confound the conventional categorisations of religious type.
Commercialisation and politicisation of football establishes a pseudo-modern football with corrupt mismanagement.
Despite giving up on the legislative situation that discriminates against them, Surabaya transwomen fight against it by engaging actively in public activity.
Supportive critique and cross-pollination across institutional boundaries, as well as those of geography and temporality. to divide power between the NUG and the ethnic states, and protect sub-minorities within minority states?
This discussion brings together experts from the USA, Australia and Indonesia.
More data means more risk., and a system focused on control is not—it turns out—one that is particularly nimble or responsive.
Brigading, cancelling, and piling on the Marcos family’s supporters have served a critical in defending historical truths.
Lacking faith in public and private institutions the Kristang community is taking matters in its own hands.
Recounted experiences from elder generations in Ilocos clash with national facts, and young people have to choose between the two.
Losing the position will end an important legacy of language scholarship and close opportunities for scholars interested in broader Burma/Myanmar studies.