Thoughts from a legal expert as the Constitutional Court prepares to rule on the dissolution of the Future Forward Party.
Thoughts from a legal expert as the Constitutional Court prepares to rule on the dissolution of the Future Forward Party.
Indonesia's environmental policies are at odds with the rhetoric around palm oil production and Indonesians are not equipped with enough information to understand the risks of a changing climate.
The ILO is making slow but sure progress towards SDGs on human trafficking and forced labour in Myanmar, writes Gary Rynhart.
Indonesia’s labour unions refer to the new omnibus legislation proposed by the government as RUU Cilaka, which sounds like the Bahasa Indonesia word for “wretched”.
Brutal violence and nasty racist politics have a long history in Myanmar. To survive, people compartmentalise.
Previously politically disengaged members of the population are joining organised political activity alongside older red shirt activist groups.
A reflection on China-Myanmar relations ahead of Xi Jinping’s visit on 17 January 2020.
Democracy 2.0 in ASEAN must consider the invisible threat of elite capture and build new tools to fight it.
A critical reflection on the emergence, dominance and legacy of Java’s historic ‘empire’.
What does world heritage inscription mean in a country where human rights abuses are ongoing?
"Very few MP candidates actually call themselves “true believers” in the Future Forward ideology."