
Dignified quarantine: indigenous strategies for containing COVID-19 in Indonesia

“For hundreds of years, we’ve been practising so-called self-quarantine. Long before the recent COVID-19 outbreak. We called it besesandingon.”

The Patani Panopticon: biometrics in Thailand’s deep south

The collection of facial recognition data to identify separatist insurgents in the deep south will only feed distrust towards the Thai state.

Have reports of Bali’s death been greatly exaggerated?

With tourism making up a relatively small portion of Indonesia’s GDP, investment and household consumption do the heavy lifting in this trillion-dollar economy.

What’s driving Indonesia’s moral turn?

The intensification of punitive sexual surveillance in Indonesia goes deeper than the rise of conservative Islam.

Looking Ahead: Laos in 2020 and beyond

Constraints on freedom of expression have expanded alongside dynamic economic growth in Laos over the past 12 months. Where will it lead?

Post-COVID 19: Deepening deprivation for young people

Young people are at a higher risk of mental health conditions when compared to the rest of the population, leading to poorer health outcomes, human rights violations and local and global economic loss.

Fighting on two fronts: the women facing conflict and COVID-19 in Rakhine state

Women in Rakhine state are doubly jeopardised when the threat of COVID-19 intersects with war.

Rodrigo Duterte’s war on COVID-19 is a war on the Filipino people

Reports emerging of anti-communist attacks in cities and rural areas, arrests of activists and union members, and military action in spite of a declared ceasefire.

Does Singapore need mandatory contact tracing apps?

Technological solutions like TraceTogether will only effectively if people believe it’s there to help them.

Class and privilege: being a good citizen during a pandemic

Is adherence to social restrictions being used as "an uncritical litmus test to judge good and bad citizens?"