
Writing History in Premodern Java

The materiality of writing has major implications for the practice of history...When you look at a ‘medieval’ Javanese manuscript, it is almost always an 18th or 19th century copy of a copy of a copy ... and so on.

When carrots are not enough: Singapore’s actually fairly exciting general election

...A substantial share of the population wants debate...and a shift from the conceit of “apolitical” technocratic management.

“Rice for Fish”: Karen counter-narratives of self-sufficiency and Thainess

Karen-led initiatives such as "Rice for Fish" are challenging Bangkok-centric stereotypes that ethnic minorities are lazy, backwards and in need of the state's intervention.

COVID-19 and abusive constitutionalism in Southeast Asia: where are the courts?

Extraordinary measures may in the long run jeopardize civil liberties and constitutional democracy.

Mayors are keeping the Philippines afloat as Duterte’s COVID-19 response flails

In the Philippines, local governments are stepping up to cover gaps in national public health and welfare infrastructure.

‘That damned elusive pimpernel: Tan Malaka and the Patjar Merah stories

What exactly was the relationship between the real Tan Malaka and his fictional alter ego?

Identities, institutions, and intellectual aspirations: the praxis and study of Southeast Asian politics

"Most fundamentally, the study of politics requires attention to identity."

Internet providers are helping the Thai government track down dissidents

Thai laws oblige ISPs to relinquish identifying data to authorities during criminal investigations.

Singapore’s ‘Not Normal’ Election

Singapore’s 2020 election is different—to paraphrase the words of PM Lee Hsien Loong’s label—it is ‘not normal’.

Vietnam’s public loudspeaker system: a means of communication to combat COVID-19

While not resource-rich, Vietnam's intelligent communication methods helped maintain zero recorded deaths from the pandemic.

Solidarity in precarity: food delivery riders in Thailand’s gig economy

The algorithms of food delivery apps incentivise riders to work harder, longer and faster—sometimes at the expense of their safety and rights.

Letter from the editor: Will Australia’s “place” in Asia seem like history for future generations?

Our knowledge of Asia, our learning, our relationships and our expertise have been under fire for the last 20 years.