
‘The East’ in a transnational context: The Indonesian War of Independence in film

Ethical questions around Dutch soldiers’ actions on which the film reflects are less urgent in Indonesian films.

Thai Update 2021: Crisis management and long-term implications

The economy, and domestic and foreign policy will be in sharp focus at the Thai Update 2021 at The Australian National University (ANU).

Surviving Four Disasters in Sumba

This is not a series of incidental disasters, but the result of structural problems related to capitalist expansion, climate change and recurring global epidemics

COVID-19 in Southeast Asia: Public health, social impacts, and political attitudes

Southeast Asian citizens are not providing carte blanche to their governments to wind back civil liberties and political rights.

Cambodian workers need employment security and freedom from fear

...garment employers regularly used COVID-19 as a pretext to target union members. The pandemic has been weaponised to get rid of trade unions.

Chinese Investment in Southeast Asia, 2005-2019: Patterns and Significance

Sovereignty concerns arise over foreign ownership of critical national assets, and foreign control of service provision in critical sectors.

NBSEAS discusses “Uneasy Military Encounters” with Ruth Streicher

Streicher spent time researching this troubled region talking to local civilians, activists, journalists, academics, as well as military conscripts and senior officers.

COVID-19: a closer look from Jakarta

A personal tragedy illustrates a larger disaster playing out across the city.

Protests and Pandemics: Civil Society Mobilisation in Thailand and the Philippines

...creating spaces for civil society should be integral to post-pandemic recovery and reconstruction plans.

EAOs & China: Two Letters from Northern Myanmar to the CCP

On their 100th anniversary the CCP received two congratulatory messages from Ethnic Armed organizations (EAOs) in northern Myanmar are noteworthy

Reflections on the 2021 Myanmar Update in troubled times

...with COVID-19, and a coup, predicting the course of Myanmar’s future may best be put in the hands of the astrologers.

Resilience and young M’ranao evacuees at times of pandemic

If stories of shock are transferred to younger generations, so is the narrative of resilience that their elders pass down.