
5. Radio UNTAC: a minute for poems “Unrepayable” គ្មានអ្វីតបស្នង

All types of lived experiences, which have remained, fresh in our mind, salty, sour, and bitter...

3. Radio UNTAC: a minute for poems “The Boundary of Our Rights” សិទ្ធិមានត្រឹមណា

People shared words of advice, encouragement, and appeals to take the peace process seriously.

2. Radio UNTAC: “The authority of the police” មហិទ្ធិរិទ្ធប៉ូលីស

Others express their hopes for the future or emphasise the importance of a different political system.

1. Radio UNTAC: a minute for poems “The secret vote” បោះឆ្នោតសម្ងាត់

People from various provinces in the country sent letters with poems and essays to Radio UNTAC.

Salvaging Southeast Asian history: shipwrecks and Chinese blue-and-white

This salvaged cargo draws attention to the pivotal role played by Southeast Asian merchants and consumers in the circulation of Chinese ceramics.

Young Cambodians and the Paris Peace Agreements: a legacy

The legacy of the 1991 Paris Peace Agreements is a commitment to create and uphold the conditions necessary for the Cambodian people to engage in open, meaningful, and critical debate.

The Centrality of the Civil Disobedience Movement in Myanmar’s Post-Coup Era

Humanitarian work without the recognition of the CDM will provoke public distrust and rejection.

Alatas and autonomous knowledge

Ideas for an autonomous social science tradition have influenced scholars for two generations.

การครองอำนาจรัฐในระบอบคสช.: ความถดถอยของอำนาจท้องถิ่น


New Books in SEAsia Studies: David Brenner’s ‘Rebel Politics’

Highlighting the hidden social dynamics and everyday practices of political violence, ethnic conflict, rebel governance and borderland politics.

On business, research and garment workers in Myanmar: Interview with Sara Tödt

"...I see great value in capturing women’s stories in a rich and encompassing way."