Research conducted in 50 schools revealed that schools have become the arena in which to disseminate radical ideology
Research conducted in 50 schools revealed that schools have become the arena in which to disseminate radical ideology
Nilai-nilai demokrasi di Indonesia terkooptasi untuk membantu tujuan yang tidak liberal
It is essential for governments, together with grassroots communities and academia, to actively educate society.
Collaborating on co-publications that will enable both organisations to reach new audiences in Australia, Southeast Asia, Europe and elsewhere.
"....when you actually sit down and look at what happened, the locals were key participants in all of these war activities."
Significant differences arise around how “human dignity” is defined and protected, and what it requires of states, non-state institutions and citizens.
Past attempts to attain palm oil self-sufficiency resulted in widespread extortion and the theft of lands from local communities around the country.
An interview about a remarkable new book, by one who has thought and felt about the October 6 massacres as both an historian and a survivor.
The banning of FPI or any other “anti-Pancasila” group is not a shortcut to ending deep-seated discrimination against minorities.
Literary translations between languages becomes a conscious, if not political, effort to let one another be heard within the national context.
A survivor-centred perspective can transform the safety of women in society by pivoting on principles of justice and fairness.