
The “Timor Crisis” and Dom Bonaventura’s plea for help: Houben’s archival investigations

Recent research reveals a missive from the leader of the single most threatening Timorese uprising against the Portuguese.

Modern-day slavery: Vietnamese women domestic workers in Saudi Arabia

Details around the recent death of migrant domestic worker, H Xuân Siu, reveal an exploitative transnational labour export system.

30 years after the Santa Cruz massacre: What legacy is left behind?

The story of these youths' contribution to the liberation of their homeland is yet to be fully written.

Indonesia’s Jalan tengah in the new age of great power rivalries

Indonesia’s decision to gamble with a degree of its strategic autonomy should thus be regarded as the latest reinterpretation of jalan tengah.

Rethinking memories of Darul Islam

The anti-traditional rule of the Darul Islam movement had a tremendous impact on indigeneity and the way that it is constructed today among the Duri

COVID-19 and food insecurity in Metro Manila: a slow moving disaster

Residents were consulted and active in food distribution activities run by non-governmental organisations, but not consulted in relation to government-run activities.

Rising religious radicalism in Indonesia: roots and shoots

Research conducted in 50 schools revealed that schools have become the arena in which to disseminate radical ideology

Apa yang mendorong perubahan moral Indonesia?

Nilai-nilai demokrasi di Indonesia terkooptasi untuk membantu tujuan yang tidak liberal

Unravelling gender-Based violence in Southeast Asia

It is essential for governments, together with grassroots communities and academia, to actively educate society.

New Mandala and 9DashLine announce exciting new partnership

Collaborating on co-publications that will enable both organisations to reach new audiences in Australia, Southeast Asia, Europe and elsewhere.

“Semut: The Untold Story of a Secret Australian Operation in WWII Borneo”

"....when you actually sit down and look at what happened, the locals were key participants in all of these war activities."

“Human dignity” in Cambodian law, policy and civil society advocacy

Significant differences arise around how “human dignity” is defined and protected, and what it requires of states, non-state institutions and citizens.