
The United Nations Peacekeeping Troops: a mixed legacy

Cambodia has gone from requiring peacekeepers to contributing more than 7,000 troops specialising in de-mining and engineering.

Podcast 2. UNTAC Radio: Airwaves of Hope វិទ្យុអ៊ុនតាក់៖ រលកសំឡេងនៃក្ដីសង្ឃឹម

This podcast examines the role Radio UNTAC in informing millions of Cambodians en route to casting their ballot in the much-anticipated 1993 election

Podcast 1. Guiding a transition to democracy: mission impossible?

Dive deep into archives of the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia and its UNTAC Radio.

6. Radio UNTAC: a minute for poems “A song request” សំណូមពរបទចម្រៀង

Many sent music wishes to Radio UNTAC to connect with family members and friends.

5. Radio UNTAC: a minute for poems “Unrepayable” គ្មានអ្វីតបស្នង

All types of lived experiences, which have remained, fresh in our mind, salty, sour, and bitter...

3. Radio UNTAC: a minute for poems “The Boundary of Our Rights” សិទ្ធិមានត្រឹមណា

People shared words of advice, encouragement, and appeals to take the peace process seriously.

2. Radio UNTAC: “The authority of the police” មហិទ្ធិរិទ្ធប៉ូលីស

Others express their hopes for the future or emphasise the importance of a different political system.

1. Radio UNTAC: a minute for poems “The secret vote” បោះឆ្នោតសម្ងាត់

People from various provinces in the country sent letters with poems and essays to Radio UNTAC.

Salvaging Southeast Asian history: shipwrecks and Chinese blue-and-white

This salvaged cargo draws attention to the pivotal role played by Southeast Asian merchants and consumers in the circulation of Chinese ceramics.

Young Cambodians and the Paris Peace Agreements: a legacy

The legacy of the 1991 Paris Peace Agreements is a commitment to create and uphold the conditions necessary for the Cambodian people to engage in open, meaningful, and critical debate.

The Centrality of the Civil Disobedience Movement in Myanmar’s Post-Coup Era

Humanitarian work without the recognition of the CDM will provoke public distrust and rejection.