
Matriculating amid Myanmar’s conflict

Education has become a battleground in the struggle against the junta, with students, communities and Myanmar’s economic future worse off for it

Indonesia’s problem of ‘proper’ masculinity

Broadcast regulators are still vigorously policing gender expression in the media

Vietnam’s labour brokerage state enables worker abuse in Saudi Arabia

The Vietnamese government has failed to take long-overdue steps to help workers know and claim their rights

Introducing the HI-RES SIKAP of Indonesian voters

A new online survey gives researchers fine-grained insights into short-term shifts in public opinion

Forgetting the Battle of Manila

Why does one of the Philippines’ most traumatic wartime experiences loom small in commemorations of WW2?

Myanmar and the second-oldest profession

The long history of intelligence operations under the Burmese kings attests to the fact that Myanmar has long been an intelligence state.

TITEN: a new phase of Biennale Jogja

Missed opportunities were on display at the latest iteration of one of Indonesia's premier art events

Explaining the Prabowo landslide

Prabowo’s win was made possible by his enduring strongman appeal and a playing field tipped in his favour by Jokowi.

Indonesians want a more diverse legislature

A new survey shows support for a class and gender mix that better reflects society.

How do Indonesian businesspeople manage risks in electoral participation?

The 2024 elections illustrate how business figures are taking the business risks out of engaging in political contests

Video: Roundtable on Indonesia’s 2024 elections

ANU experts share their impressions and predictions about Indonesia's election