
The making of pseudo-democracy

Khemthong Tonsakulrungruang says military-style participation renders constitution drafting meaningless

Everyone is a politician

Aslam Abd Jalil argues that everyone is a politician and that our political stand is what we believe things should be

The changing face of Xanana Gusmao

It's time to re-examine the myth surrounding the Xanana Gusmao, write Angie Bexley and Maj Nygaard-Christensen.

The Praba Ganesan story

Praba Ganesan says he is a willing volunteer to support an abstract convolution called Malaysia

Koh Tao trial another litmus test

Luke Corbin suggests the Koh Tao investigation is an example of institutional discrimination against the Burmese in Thailand

Thais in exile

Kannikar Petchkaew profiles four Thais who have sought refuge abroad since the coup of May 2014

Thai Coup: A normal way of life

Chatwadee Rose Amornpat makes a strident argument for the abolition of the lese majeste law

A Spanish lesson for Indonesia’s 1965

Aboeprijadi Santoso compares the experiences of Spain and Indonesia in getting to grips with historical violence

Remembering the work of Professor Andrew Huxley

Melissa Crouch reflects on the late Andrew Huxley's significant contribution to the study of law in Myanmar/Burma

Securitisation of Australian Aid

Tim Frewer argues the Australian aid industry is captured by those who will pursue the logic of security on behalf of Australians

Statelessness and child rights in Sabah

If given the chance, the stateless children of Sabah, who only know Sabah as their home, can make a positive contribution to Sabah.

Prayuth, do you hear the people sing?

Khemthong Tonsakulrungruang argues that Thai democracy cannot be built under a regime of suppression, fear and lies