
Social media, Rohingya and damn lies

How new technologies drive competing narratives on a humanitarian crisis.

A crop of poppies collected in the Golden Triangle. Drug trafficking represents a major cross-border challenge for many states. Photo from Wikimedia commons.

Governing borderless threats

Lee Jones and Shahar Hameiri ask how can the region and the world can better respond to new security issues

Thai democracy’s waiting game

To heal current political wounds should Thailand wait five years for free and fair elections?

Solidarity, students and shackles

Scholars, writers, and citizens from around the world support the Thai 14.

Tale of tea takes out major international prize

New Mandala contributor Jinghong Zhang recognised for study on rise and fall of puer tea.

On China, The Lady has no choice

If Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is to lead Myanmar successfully she has no choice about whether to do business with China.

Thailand’s thieves in uniform

The ties between the military and monarchy are robbing the country of freedom and democracy.

Building mateship, not subs

Australia and Indonesia need to look beyond aid, trade and the barricade to deepen their relationship.

Indonesian soldiers train in Australia. Photo by Department of Defence.

Friendship and firepower

Regional power shifts could strengthen Australia-Indonesia strategic ties.

Najib Razak’s gamble

In the face of corruption claims, the Malaysian Prime Minister's survival hinges on economics.

Some of the arrested Thai students. Photo from HRW.

Solidarity with imprisoned Thai students

Scholars call for international support for arrested democracy campaigners.

Going it alone

Is Indonesia about to ditch ASEAN?