
Floods and forced evictions in Jakarta

People, politics and planning collide in riverside slum Kampung Pulo.

Artists perform to raise funds for victims of Myanmar's floods. Photo supplied.

Solidarity and resilience emerge in Myanmar

Citizens rise to respond in the face of floods, report Justine Chambers & Gerard McCarthy.

Terrorism in the heart of Thailand

Michael Vatikiotis looks at the wider implications of the Bangkok blasts.

Politics and security in Thailand

In the wake of the Bangkok blasts, Zachary Abuza warns that politics should not trump a proper investigation.

Making knowledge count

Deciding research priorities should be high on the agenda for Myanmar’s new government

Who is behind the Bangkok blast?

Security analyst John Blaxland gives his take on three possible culprits.

Initial thoughts on Bangkok bombing

At times of such confusion, there are no immediate answers to questions about who, what and why

Students from the University of Yangon. Photo by Olivia Cable.

The ‘political science experiment’

Will Myanmar's people be key to a successful transition, asks Olivia Cable.

Thai elitism and hierarchy

Chatwadee Rose Amornpat looks at title and honour in Thailand’s latent caste system.

Watch the enemies from your own side

Some analysis of what the changes at the top of Myanmar's Union Solidarity and Development Party may mean.

Lèse-majesté today

New Mandala co-founder Nicholas Farrelly asks, can anything be done about the chilling effect of Thai law?

Some kind of feeling

Matt Schissler looks at the links between Myanmar's floods, Facebook and Buddhist-Muslim violence.