
Bersih 4, citizenship and civics in Malaysia

Politics of struggle must become the politics of everyday life.

No peace soon in Thailand’s Deep South

Informal talks show putting words into action to end conflict highly unlikely.

Change is on its way in Singapore

Ahead of elections, Singapore's youth hunger for trust, transparency and new politics.

Tony Milner on Malaysia today

Tun Hussein Onn Chair on key issues, and non-Western approaches to foreign relations.

BP, security and human rights in West Papua

How global companies influence human rights protection.

Princess Pa’s thesis

How a bus driver uncovered an essential read on criminal justice and fairness in Thailand.

Supporters at a Workers' Party rally. Photo: Abdul Rahman/ Wikimedia commons.

Surveying Singapore’s snap elections

Short campaign to be shaped by opposition's woes, voters' dilemma and viral media.

Women crucial to Myanmar’s democratic transition

Are women’s rights being sacrificed for security and political stability?

Bersih 4 from both sides of the barricades

Meredith Weiss offers key lessons from Malaysia's recent rallies for clean politics.

Myanmar and the world’s next mass atrocity

Why the region must act now to help the Rohingya.

Were the Grey Wolves behind Bangkok bombing?

Murat Yurtbilir assesses the likelihood of the controversial group's involvement in deadly attack.

Photo by AP.

Chinese life in Myanmar today

How can Myanmar avoid a backlash against its Chinese population, asks Nicholas Farrelly