
The NLD and NPT

Pro-democracy warriors will need to understand the system they seek to dismantle.

Jakarta and terrorism’s top dogs

Latest attack an attempt to create new leadership among Southeast Asia’s militants.

Alliances key to Suu Kyi’s presidential push

Myanmar's champion of democracy must win over former military masters.

Sarawak’s Wayang Kulit

In the lead up to state elections, old masters still rule from the shadows.

Indonesian fires lit by dysfunctional democracy

Corrupt and greedy local leaders must be checked to avoid more disasters.

Buddhist politics and Thailand’s dangerous path

Why a weakening religion is getting more hardline.

An escapist view of extremism

Is exporting Indonesian culture the solution to Islamic extremism?

Daesh, Islam Nusantara and shades of grey

How tolerant is Indonesia's answer to Islamic State?

Southeast Asian snapshots

Kids with guns in Thailand, fake royalty in Malaysia and Optimus Prime comes to Johor.

Democracy’s Kachin dance

Nicholas Farrelly examines Kachin politics in the wake of Myanmar's November election.

Spy planes and Singapore

Sino-US tensions increase amid Poseidon spy plane deployment in Singapore.

A NLD rally in Naypyitaw. Photo: Olivia Cable

Making sense of Myanmar’s election

New summary paper provides important insight on historic ballot.