
Self-interest and the spectre of Beijing at Sunnylands

US-ASEAN summit shows that a new Cold War mindset is descending on Asia.

Najib and Malaysia’s road to redemption?

There could be even darker times ahead for Malaysia's democracy, writes Amrita Malhi.

The two would-be women presidents

What chance do democracy's ladies in waiting, Aung San Suu Kyi and Hillary Clinton, have, asks Nehginpao Kipgen.

Shutting women out no path to peace in Myanmar

Women's experiences of conflict and violence critical to country's democratic development, writes Jenny Hedström.

Myanmar’s media flexes its muscle

Fast-changing landscape bears watching, writes Nicholas Farrelly.

Survey of Thai Internet use and restrictions

University of Washington study seeks your input.

Lawlessness and mass violence in Cambodia

Scott Rawlinson puts forward a new explanation for the country's genocide.

Region’s human rights watchdogs lack bite

National institutions aren't protecting anyone, new report shows.

How did Southeast Asia become a social fact?

Tom Pepinsky looks at how an artificial concept defined a region.

Southeast Asian snapshots

Cards, clowns and canoodling candidates.

Recognising restrictive regimes

US-ASEAN Summit sends bad signal for rights across the region, writes Caitlin McCaffrie.

Silencing by means of “superstition”

Baby dolls, black magic and power in Thailand.