
Does the data reveal declining dictatorship in Myanmar?

Looking at protests to assess the country's political transition.

Is hardline Islam really rising in Indonesia?

How Jokowi has kept hardliners in check.

In Trump and family we trust

Could the Trump White House brew American cronyism in the way of Asia?

Over the rainbow

Why the LGBT label runs the risk of erasing other non-normative sexual identities in Indonesia.

The Sensual Art of Nyonya Cuisine

Food as heritage: The origins of peranakan cuisine

Ending abuse against women in Myanmar

How can a newly democratic country face up to its problematic patriarchy?

A poem and the politics of high imperialism

Kipling’s Road to Mandalay and what it says about Burmese exotica and the British Empire’s decline.

Hanging on by a ‘sin’ and a prayer

Why Ahok should brace for more racial and religious politics in Jakarta's race for governor.

Segregation and violence in Rakhine State

Witnessing persecution against Myanmar's Muslim minority.

Restoring Thailand’s spiritual realm

Can a new Sangha Raja heal the country’s Buddhist order and politics?

Risk and imagination in the Trump era

How Australia can keep afloat as Trump torpedoes global order.

Interpreting the Jakarta election

An unusual test case for tolerance in Indonesia and Ahok's resilience.