There has been discussion about the size of the Pheua Thai logo on the party list ballot paper (see Bangkok Pundit here). As you can see, it is very very small:
Other material produced by the Election Commission show that they can produce a Pheua Thai logo of normal size (that is, without the full party name which results in the shrinkage on the party list paper). Here is one example:
One of the concerns is that the almost empty square after the “1” on the party list ballot paper, may cause some voters to number that square (rather than the correct square to the right), resulting in an invalid vote. The chance of this may be increased by the fact that on the constituency ballot paper, the voting square comes immediately after the number:
My general rule of thumb is that given a choice between a conspiracy and a stuff-up, it is usually the latter. But it is hard to imagine how an intelligent and well-intentioned person could have looked at the party list ballot paper and thought that it was OK before sending it off to the printer. Incredible!