Teoh Beng Hock, who suffered an untimely and horrible death has been named Malaysian of the Year by “The Malaysian Mirror”, a popular online news portal.
They paid a glowing tribute to this political aide from the Democratic Action Party (DAP), who in his death unvieled the extent of abuse of Malaysia’s democratic institutions. (read here).
Thai forensic expert Dr Pornthip Rojanasunand had testified that there was an 80 per cent probability that Beng Hock’s death was due to homicide (read here).
Beng Hock, 30 – a son of a taxi driver was preparing to get married to his childhood sweetheart – who was two months pregnant at the time of his untimely death.
Several homepages have been created to pay tribute to this simple Malaysian who in his death raised the consciousness of Malaysians (read here and here ).
Let us hope that his death will not be in vain.
Watch The Malaysian Mirrror’s tribute to Teoh Beng Hock.